Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


One or more pluggable databases were in the middle of a point-in-time recovery at this incomplete database recovery SCN.


In the past, one or more pluggable databases had an active pluggable database RESETLOGS operation as of this incomplete recovery SCN.


Additional messages are logged in the alert log indicating all of the pluggable databases affected by this container database OPEN RESETLOGS operation.

Recover the container database to a different system change number (SCN) at which none of the pluggable databases had an active RESETLOGS operation.

To continue the container database OPEN RESETLOGS operation at the same SCN, offline all of the data files of the affected pluggable databases first and reissue the command. However, a new point-in-time recovery of the affected pluggable databases would be required before these databases can be opened again.