Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


The password file is not in the 12.2 format.


An attempt was made to perform one of the following operations, but none of these operations are allowed while the password file is in LEGACY or in release 12.1 format.

  • Attempting to grant an administrative privilege to an external user (a user created as IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY).
  • Attempting to change the authentication type of an administrative-privileged user from PASSWORD to EXTERNAL.
  • When a common user has an administrative privilege granted in a pluggable database (PDB) but no longer exists in the CDB$ROOT container, attempting to create this common user again in the root as IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY.


Create the password file in 12.2 format or migrate the existing password file to 12.2 format, then retry the operation.