Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


cursor number is invalid or does not exist


Either a host language program call specified an invalid cursor number or the value of the MAXOPENCURSORS option in the precompiler command was too small.


Check the erroneous call statement. Open a cursor when using the V8 Oracle Call Interface (OCI) API, or specify a valid Logon Data Area (LDA) when using the V7 OCI API.

When using V8 OCI calls, make sure OCIStmtPrepare2 (or OCIStmtPrepare) and OCIStmtExecute have been called.

When using precompilers, all cursors must be opened using the OOPEN call before being referenced in any of the following calls: SQL, DESCRIBE, NAME, DEFINE, BIND, EXEC, FETCH, or CLOSE.

If there is no problem with the cursor, it may be necessary to increase the MAXOPENCURSORS option value before precompiling.