Database Error Messages


Memory allocation failed for an Oracle Database process_type process.
  • process_type: Either 'client' or 'server', indicating where the memory error occurred.


One of the following occurred:

  1. The operating system did not have enough memory available for the process.
  2. The Oracle server process exceeded the limit set by the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter.


Take the action that corresponds with the cause:

If encountered on the server, try one or more of the following:

  • Reduce the number of open database connections, perhaps by using client-side connection pooling. Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) may be useful in some scenarios.
  • Increase the database parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT.
  • If PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT cannot be increased further, try to free up memory on the server; for example, by decreasing the database parameter SGA_TARGET.
  • Increase the system memory available for the database host.

If encountered on the client, try to:

  • Free up memory.
  • Add memory to the system.