Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
Jun 24, 2024


No insert, update, delete on table with constraint (constraint_schema.constraint_name) involving column_names due to domain constraint domain_constraint_schema.domain_constraint_name of domain domain_schema.domain_name disabled and validated
  • constraint_schema: The schema name where the constraint resides.
  • constraint_name: The name of the constraint.
  • column_names: The column names involved in the constraint. A subset of the column names if the list is too long.
  • domain_constraint_schema: The schema name where the domain constraint resides.
  • domain_constraint_name: The name of the domain constraint the constraint is inherited from.
  • domain_schema: The schema name where the domain resides.
  • domain_name: The name of the domain.


An attempt was made to insert, update, delete on table with DISABLE VALIDATE constraint.


Disassociate the columns from the named domain.