Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


This SQL statement is not authorized for this session by OLS policy policy_name.
  • policy_name: Name of the Oracle Label Security policy.


The Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy did not authorize the database session to perform the requested SQL statement. The OLS policy reviewed the label associated with this session and the label did not have sufficient privileges to authorize the SQL statement. The session label is a combination of the user along with any session connection factors.


You may not be authorized to execute this SQL statement. If you believe you are authorized, work with your DBA or security team and review the label associated with your user account. Ensure that your session environment does not adversely affect your session label (for example, accessing the system from a less secure network). Have the DBA or security officer grant your user account or program unit the necessary policy privilege or additional authorizations.