Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


Slot string partition string in Oracle ASM appliance 'string' contains more than one disk.


An attempt was made to add a disk to a slot and a partition number in the Oracle ASM appliance that already had a disk (possibly OFFLINE) associated with it.


Check the appliance configuration and retry the operation after inserting disks in the appropriate slots. If the disk that exists in the specified slot and the partition is dropping, then wait for the rebalance operation to finish before retrying the operation, or use FORCE to drop the existing disk and then retry the operation. Note that with FORCE drop, the redundancy of the diskgroup may be compromised until the rebalance operation completes. If the disk that exists in the specified slot and the partition is OFFLINE, then use REPLACE disk to replace the disk.