Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


One or more properties could not be imported from the member.


The broker was unable to import property values for the member being added to the broker configuration. This error indicates:

The Oracle Net service name specified in DGMGRL CREATE CONFIGURATION, ADD DATABASE, ADD FAR_SYNC, or ADD RECOVERY_APPLIANCE command was not one that provides access to the member being added.

There were no instances running for the member being added.


Remove the member from the configuration using the REMOVE CONFIGURATION, REMOVE DATABASE, REMOVE FAR_SYNC, or REMOVE RECOVERY_APPLIANCE command. Ensure that the member to be added has at least one instance running and that the Oracle Net service name provides access to the running instance. Also, check the broker log file for additional information. Then, reissue the CREATE CONFIGURATION, ADD DATABASE, ADD FAR_SYNC, or ADD RECOVERY_APPLIANCE command.