Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
Jun 24, 2024


Target pluggable database may have been removed or a role change may have occurred.


Either a pluggable database switchover or failover occurred, resulting in this pluggable database not having an active target standby pluggable database; or the target standby pluggable database was removed.


If a role change has occurred, after determining which pluggable database is the current source and status of the previous source pluggable database, proceed as follows:

  • If it is already in the standby role and a switchover has occurred, address the issues that resulted in Redo Apply Services failing to start and then start Redo Apply Services.
  • If it is already in the standby role and a failover has occurred, verify that the issues that necessitated the failover have been addressed and then start Redo Apply services.
  • If the previous source pluggable database is still in the primary role, and a failover immediate has occurred, address the issues that necessitated the failover, drop the previous source pluggable database, and add it back as the target standby database using the ADD PLUGGABLE DATABASE command, and then start Redo Apply Services.

Note that Redo Apply can be started using the EDIT PLUGGABLE DATABASE SET STATE=APPLY-ON command.