Database Error Messages


REF column string expects string arguments; found string.


The number of arguments for the REF column is incorrect.


Specify the correct number of input arguments for REFs.

  1. Unscoped system-generated REFs can have exactly 1 or 2 input

arguments. a) It has exactly 1 input argument (one for the OID value) if a fixed table name was specified through OCI_DIRPATH_EXPR_REF_TBLNAME. b) It has exactly 2 input arguments (one for the table name and one for the OID value) if a fixed table name was not specified through OCI_DIRPATH_EXPR_REF_TBLNAME.

  1. Scoped system-generated REFs can have 1 or 2 input arguments.

Because a table name argument is not needed for a scoped ref, only 1 argument (OID value) is expected. But if the table name argument is given, it's still accepted. 3. Scoped primary-key REFs with N columns in its primary-key OID can have N or N+1 input arguments. Because a table name argument is not needed for a scoped ref, only N arguments (making up the OID value) is expected. But if the table name argument is given, it's still accepted.