Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


The column cannot be modified to the specified collation.


An attempt was made to modify the declared collation of a column that belonged to a primary or unique key, or a standard index key, or a partitioning key, and the new collation was from a different group than the old collation, where the groups are defined as follows: Group 1: BINARY, USING_NLS_COMP, USING_NLS_SORT, USING_NLS_SORT_CS, USING_NLS_SORT_VAR1, and USING_NLS_SORT_VAR1_CS Group 2: BINARY_CI, USING_NLS_SORT_CI, and USING_NLS_SORT_VAR1_CI Group 3: BINARY_AI, USING_NLS_SORT_AI, and USING_NLS_SORT_VAR1_AI


When modifying the column collation, specify a new collation that is in the same group as the current column collation. If there is no current collation, because you changed the column data type at the same time and the old data type is not a character data type, then select a collation from Group 1 as the new collation.