Database Error Messages


Deletion of the RAS entity is not allowed while dependencies exist.


An attempt was made to delete an Oracle Real Application Security (RAS) entity with dependent entities in the system. The common cases include:

  • Attempting to delete a RAS user that had RAS roles granted.
  • Attempting to delete a RAS role that had been granted to another RAS principal.
  • Attempting to delete a RAS security class that had effective policies applied to tables or views.
  • Attempting to delete an ACL that was used in policies applied to tables or views, or was a parent of other ACLs.
  • Attempting to remove a privilege from a security class while the privilege had been granted to a RAS principal.


Remove the dependencies. For example, revoke the roles granted to the RAS user, or use the XS_ADMIN_UTIL.CASCADE_OPTION in the deletion procedure, and then try again.