Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


unable to prepare the statement for transaction logging


The gateway server was unable to prepare the statement to be used to call the transaction logging PL/SQL stored procedure. An Oracle server message will follow this message.


Ensure that the Oracle server and its TNS listener are both operational. Also check the PGA_LOG_DB, PGA_LOG_USER, and PGA_LOG_PASS parameters in the gateway init file and ensure that they specify the correct database string, userid, and password, respectively. Verify that the transaction logging PL/SQL procedure has been properly installed into the Oracle server under the userid and password specified by PGA_LOG_USER and PGA_LOG_PASS and that it is executable. Refer to the Oracle Server Messages and Codes Manual for information on the Oracle server message.