Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


TIP generation: missing multi-byte NLS name for string:


The COBOL data field field specifies character data in the the PIC mask and USAGE maskopts clauses which require translation with a multi-byte character set (MBCS), but no Oracle MBCS NLS name was specified. The MBCS-oriented PIC and USAGE definitions were selected from the PG DD to identify field conversion function calls. PGAU also issues messages 30601 for mask and 30602 for maskopts .


Use the pgddsxa.sql script to reproduce the selected rows and then either correct the mask and maskopts columns for the stated field in the PG DD to not require MBCS translation, or use the PGAU REDEFINE DATA FIELD NLS_LANGUAGE(nlsname) parameter to specify an Oracle MBCS NLS name for the field, or specify the NLS_MBCS(nlsname) parameter on the PGAU DEFINE TRANSACTION statement.