Database Error Messages


no alignment for environment string string, datatype string string


The data field d-field <f#> specified an attribute which specifies remote host boundary alignment. The PG DD environment tables were searched for alignment information for environment ename compiler compno datatype dtype datatype alignment group dagno, but no entries were found matching these characteristics. PGAU issues messages 30630 and 30631 consecutively for d-field <f#> and ename compno dtype dagno.

PGAU requires the alignment information to properly align the remote host data in the TIP transfer buffers. Supported: envrionment and compilers are; IBM370 for compiler IBMVSCOBOLII alignment attributes are; d-field ... PIC S9(n) dtype SYNC d-field ... PIC S9(n) dtype SYNCHRONIZE datatype values dtype may be; COMP COMPUTATIONAL COMP-4 COMPUTATIONAL-4 datatypes grouped under dagno by length/alignment: dagno = 1 for 2-byte length aligned on 2-byte boundary dagno = 2 for 4-byte length aligned on 4-byte boundary

Possible causes are:

  • The TRANSACTION entry in the PG DD for the TIP being generated may have specified an invalid ENVIRONMENT.
  • The DATA entry in the PG DD being referenced in the TIP function call being generated may have specified an invalid LANGUAGE.
  • The field datatype and/or length within the DATA entry may be invalid or unsupported.
  • The PG DD may be unavailable, in which case previous error messages will indicate problems accessing the PG DD.


In the PG DD, redefine the TRANSACTION or DATA entries to correct the specification of ENVRIONMENT, LANGUAGE or the field datatype and attributes. Ensure the Oracle server supporting the PG DD is active. If the error persists, reproduce the error with tracing enabled. Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance.