Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


invalid '-oraclebase' option provided for provisioning a software-only GI working copy where '-local' was not specified and the local node is not a member of the RHPS cluster


An attempt to provision a software-only Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy with the 'rhpctl add workingcopy' command was rejected because the '-oraclebase' option was supplied incorrectly. The '-oraclebase' option can be supplied only in conjunction with the '-local' option to create a local working copy only when the local node is a member of the Rapid Home Provisioning Server (RHPS) cluster.


When provisioning a software-only Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy for the local node in RHPS cluster, specify the '-oraclebase' option and the '-local' option. The '-local' option is not supported for nodes in client clusters.