Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


Oracle ACFS member count "{0}" is not equal to the node count "{1}" on the cluster


The Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) determined that the Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) member count was not equal to the node count.


Execute the following steps:

  1. Restart Cluster Ready Services (CRS) (or just the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) proxy) on each node, restarting the Oracle ACFS primary node last, as follows: Run 'acfsutil cluster info | grep -i master' to get the primary node.
  2. Restart CRS (or just ASM proxy) on each non-primary node in any order.
  3. Restart CRS (or just ASM proxy) on the Oracle ACFS primary node last.

Alternatively, upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure to a release that contains the fix for 29391849 (18.8/19.5). Refer to 2584567.1 for additional details.