Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 19c
Jun 24, 2024


The group for block devices "{0}" are incorrect on node "{1}" [Expected = {2}, Actual = {3}]


The group ownership of the block devices on the node specified were incorrect. Starting in 12g the default ASM disk discovery string was changed from '/dev/raw/raw*' to '/dev/sd*'. The disks corresponding to the block device files in the message were members of ASM disk groups and were accessed using the raw devices (matched by '/dev/raw/raw*' prior to 12g) with the correct group ownership. However, the block devices in the message corresponding to the same disks and found with '/dev/sd*' do not have the correct group ownership. To ensure continued working of ASM, all disks that were members of disk groups must continue to be members.


Make sure that the group of the specified block devices matches the expected value (this will be necessary in the long run because raw devices are being deprecated). Alternatively set the string '/dev/raw/raw*' as the disk discovery path using command 'asmcmd dsset --normal discovery string' in ASM 11.2 or later, using command 'alter system set asm_diskstring=discovery string scope=spfile;' in 11.1 or earlier ASM.