Database Error Messages

  • 23ai
  • 21c
  • 21c
Jun 24, 2024


Oracle ACFS mount points "{0}" were found with Oracle ACFS security feature enabled which is not supported in the target Oracle Clusterware release version "{1}".


Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) detected that the indicated mount points of Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) were found with Oracle ACFS security feature enabled which is not supported on the indicated target release version.


Ensure that Oracle ACFS has the security feature disabled for all of the identified mount points. The security feature may be disabled by issuing the command 'acfsutil sec disable -m mount_point'. Refer to the desupport notice in the section entitled 'Changes in Oracle ACFS and Oracle ADVM in Oracle ASM 21c' in the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System Administrator's Guide. Refer to My Oracle Support note 2688565.1 for more information regarding this requirement.