Database Error Messages


The fact table string.string is not referenced by any MV in the group and its staging log is not empty.


PREPARE_REFRESH found that there is no materialized view (MV) registered for synchronous refresh that contained the specified fact table as one of its base tables and the staging log for that table specified changes to it. PREPARE_REFRESH supports fact tables without MV's defined on them if they meet two conditions:

  1. the staging log for the fact table is empty; b) the

staging logs for the dimension tables in the group do not specify deletes or updates.


There are many ways to handle this situation. Refer to the documentation for details. Briefly, the two main ways are:

  1. Register a MV which references the fact table for synchronous refresh. If no such MV exists, you can create one.
  2. Unregister all the MVs in the group; drop staging log on the table or alter it to an ordinary MV log. Re-register the MVs which have been unregistered.