Optimizing Truffle Interpreters

This document discusses tools for optimizing or debugging Truffle interpreters for peak temporal performance.


  1. Run with a profiler to sample the application and identify responsible compilation units. Use a sampling delay (--cpusampler.Delay=MILLISECONDS) to only profile after warmup. See the Profiling guide.

  2. Understand what is being compiled and look for deoptimizations. Methods that are listed to run mostly in the interpreter likely have a problem with deoptimization.

  3. Simplify the code as much as possible where it still shows the performance problem.

  4. Enable performance warnings and list boundary calls.

  5. Dump the Graal graph of the responsible compilation unit and look at the phase After TruffleTier.
    1. Look at the Graal graphs at the phases After TruffleTier and After PartialEscape and check if it is what you would expect. If there are nodes there that you don’t want to be there, think about how to guard against including them. If there are more complex nodes there than you want, think about how to add specialisations that generate simpler code. If there are nodes you think should be there in a benchmark that are not, think about how to make values dynamic so they are not optimized away.
  6. Search for Invoke nodes in the Graal IR. Invoke nodes that are not representing guest language calls should be specialized away. This may not be always possible, e.g., if the method does I/O.

  7. Search for control flow splits (red lines) and investigate whether they result from control flow caused by the guest application or are just artifacts from the language implementation. The latter should be avoided if possible.

  8. Search for indirections in linear code (Load and LoadIndexed) and try to minimize the code. The less code that is on the hot-path the better.

Truffle Compiler Options

A full list of the latest expert and internal options can be found in the Options guide.

Observing Compilations

This section provides an overview of most of the available command line options to observe compilations.

Note: Most options also require the additional --experimental-options flag set.

The --engine.TraceCompilation command prints a line each time a method is compiled:

[engine] opt done     EqualityConstraint.execute                                  |AST   17|Tier      2|Time  152( 143+9   )ms|Inlined   2Y   0N|IR   266/  300|CodeSize   1010|Addr 0x7f60068c82d0|Src octane-deltablue.js:528

The --engine.TraceCompilationDetail command prints a line when compilation is queued, started, or completed:

[engine] opt queued   BinaryConstraint.output                                     |AST   19|Tier      2|Calls/Thres    1000/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    1000/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:416|QueueSize      0|Time 1725905750
[engine] opt start    BinaryConstraint.output                                     |AST   19|Tier      2|Calls/Thres    1000/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    1000/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:416|QueueSize      0|Time 1734518023
[engine] opt queued   OrderedCollection.size                                      |AST   10|Tier      2|Calls/Thres    1000/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    1000/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:71|QueueSize      0|Time 1743713143
[engine] opt start    OrderedCollection.size                                      |AST   10|Tier      2|Calls/Thres    1000/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    1000/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:71|QueueSize      0|Time 1744034479
[engine] opt queued   Planner.addConstraintsConsumingTo                           |AST   51|Tier      2|Calls/Thres     368/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    1001/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:743|QueueSize      1|Time 1791073465
... more queues ...
[engine] opt queued   BinaryConstraint.markInputs                                 |AST   13|Tier      2|Calls/Thres    1000/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    1000/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:402|QueueSize     27|Time 2813136318
[engine] opt done     BinaryConstraint.output                                     |AST   19|Tier      2|Time 1146( 851+295 )ms|Inlined   0Y   0N|IR   106/  167|CodeSize    634|Addr 0x7f600586f990|Src octane-deltablue.js:416
[engine] opt start    Planner.removePropagateFrom                                 |AST  149|Tier      2|Calls/Thres       8/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    2052/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:717|QueueSize     26|Time 2903518862
[engine] opt queued   UnaryConstraint.output                                      |AST    7|Tier      2|Calls/Thres    1000/    3|CallsAndLoop/Thres    1000/ 1000|Src octane-deltablue.js:255|QueueSize     27|Time 3175165217

The --engine.TraceCompilationAST command prints the Truffle AST for each compilation:

[engine] opt AST          OrderedCollection.size <split-57429b3a>                     |ASTSize      10/   10 |Calls/Thres   10559/    3 |CallsAndLoop/Thres   10559/ 1000
    body = FunctionBodyNode
      body = DualNode
        left = JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen
          rhsNode = JSPrepareThisNodeGen
            operandNode = AccessThisNode
        right = TerminalPositionReturnNode
          expression = PropertyNode
            target = PropertyNode
              target = JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen
              cache = PropertyGetNode
                cacheNode = ObjectPropertyGetNode
                  receiverCheck = ShapeCheckNode
            cache = PropertyGetNode
              cacheNode = ArrayLengthPropertyGetNode
                receiverCheck = ShapeCheckNode
                arrayLengthRead = ArrayLengthReadNodeGen

The --engine.TraceInlining command prints guest-language inlining decisions for each compilation:

[engine] inline start     Plan.execute                                                |call diff        0.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio     1.00 |IR Nodes         2704 |Frequency        1.00 |Truffle Callees      5 |Forced          false |Depth               0
[engine] Inlined            Plan.size                                                 |call diff     -203.75 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          175 |Frequency      101.88 |Truffle Callees      1 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined              OrderedCollection.size <split-e13c02e>                  |call diff     -101.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          157 |Frequency      101.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined            Plan.constraintAt                                         |call diff     -201.75 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          206 |Frequency      100.88 |Truffle Callees      1 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined              OrderedCollection.at                                    |call diff     -100.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          232 |Frequency      100.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined            ScaleConstraint.execute                                   |call diff       -0.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          855 |Frequency        0.00 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined            EqualityConstraint.execute                                |call diff     -299.63 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          295 |Frequency       99.88 |Truffle Callees      2 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined              BinaryConstraint.output <split-1e163df7>                |call diff      -99.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          259 |Frequency       99.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined              BinaryConstraint.input <split-2dfade22>                 |call diff      -99.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          259 |Frequency       99.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined            EditConstraint.execute                                    |call diff       -1.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes           22 |Frequency        1.00 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] inline done      Plan.execute                                                |call diff        0.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio     1.00 |IR Nodes         2704 |Frequency        1.00 |Truffle Callees      5 |Forced          false |Depth               0

The --engine.TraceSplitting command prints guest-language splitting decisions:

[engine] split   0-4310d43-1     Strength                                                    |ASTSize       6/    6 |Calls/Thres       2/    3 |CallsAndLoop/Thres       2/ 1000 |SourceSection /Users/christianhumer/graal/4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js~139:4062-4089
[engine] split   1-4b0d79fc-1     Strength                                                    |ASTSize       6/    6 |Calls/Thres       2/    3 |CallsAndLoop/Thres       2/ 1000 |SourceSection /Users/christianhumer/graal/4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js~140:4119-4150

The --engine.TraceTransferToInterpreter command prints a stack trace on explicit internal invalidations:

[engine] transferToInterpreter at
    Planner.incrementalAdd(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:597) <split-609bcfb6>
    Constraint.addConstraint(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:165) <split-7d94beb9>
    UnaryConstraint(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:219) <split-560348e6>
    Function.prototype.call(<builtin>:1) <split-1df8b5b8>
    EditConstraint(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:315) <split-23202fce>

The --engine.TracePerformanceWarnings=(call|instanceof|store|all) command prints code which may not be ideal for performance. The call enables warnings when partial evaluation cannot inline the virtual runtime call. The instanceof enables warnings when partial evaluation cannot resolve virtual instanceof to an exact type. The store enables warnings when the store location argument is not a partial evaluation constant:

[engine] perf warn        ScaleConstraint.execute                                     |Partial evaluation could not inline the virtual runtime call Virtual to HotSpotMethod<ConditionProfile.profile(boolean)> (167|MethodCallTarget).
  Approximated stack trace for [167 | MethodCallTarget:    at com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.control.IfNode.execute(IfNode.java:158)
    at com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.binary.DualNode.execute(DualNode.java:125)
    at com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.function.FunctionBodyNode.execute(FunctionBodyNode.java:73)
    at com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.function.FunctionRootNode.executeInRealm(FunctionRootNode.java:147)
    at com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.execute(JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.java:93)
    at org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.executeRootNode(OptimizedCallTarget.java:503)
    at org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.profiledPERoot(OptimizedCallTarget.java:480)

The --engine.CompilationStatistics command prints statistics on compilations at the end of the process:

[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 1
  Compilations                                      : 170
    Success                                         : 166
    Temporary Bailouts                              : 4
      org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CancellationBailoutException: Compilation cancelled.: 4
    Permanent Bailouts                              : 0
    Failed                                          : 0
    Interrupted                                     : 0
  Invalidated                                       : 0
  Queues                                            : 479
  Dequeues                                          : 315
      Target inlined into only caller               : 314
      Split call node                               : 1
  Splits                                            : 450
  Compilation Accuracy                              : 1.000000
  Queue Accuracy                                    : 0.342380
  Compilation Utilization                           : 0.984846
  Remaining Compilation Queue                       : 0
  Time to queue                                     : count= 479, sum= 2595151, min=      39, average=     5417.85, max=   19993 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Array
  Time waiting in queue                             : count= 170, sum=  681895, min=       0, average=     4011.15, max=    8238 (milliseconds), maxTarget=EditConstraint.isInput
  Time for compilation                              : count= 170, sum=   39357, min=       5, average=      231.51, max=    2571 (milliseconds), maxTarget=change
    Truffle Tier                                    : count= 166, sum=   23654, min=       4, average=      142.50, max=    1412 (milliseconds), maxTarget=change
    Graal Tier                                      : count= 166, sum=   13096, min=       0, average=       78.89, max=    1002 (milliseconds), maxTarget=change
    Code Installation                               : count= 166, sum=    1865, min=       0, average=       11.24, max=     190 (milliseconds), maxTarget=deltaBlue
  Graal node count                                  :
    After Truffle Tier                              : count= 168, sum=  146554, min=      13, average=      872.35, max=    7747, maxTarget=change
    After Graal Tier                                : count= 166, sum=  213434, min=       3, average=     1285.75, max=   15430, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
  Graal compilation result                          :
    Code size                                       : count= 166, sum=  874667, min=      70, average=     5269.08, max=   64913, maxTarget=deltaBlue
    Total frame size                                : count= 166, sum=   25328, min=      16, average=      152.58, max=    1248, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
    Exception handlers                              : count= 166, sum=     199, min=       0, average=        1.20, max=      41, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
    Infopoints                                      : count= 166, sum=    6414, min=       3, average=       38.64, max=     517, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
      CALL                                          : count= 166, sum=    4125, min=       3, average=       24.85, max=     357, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
      IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION                            : count= 166, sum=    2164, min=       0, average=       13.04, max=     156, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
      SAFEPOINT                                     : count= 166, sum=     125, min=       0, average=        0.75, max=       9, maxTarget=change
    Marks                                           : count= 166, sum=    1385, min=       5, average=        8.34, max=      52, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
    Data references                                 : count= 166, sum=   10219, min=       1, average=       61.56, max=     758, maxTarget=MeasureDefault

The --engine.CompilationStatisticDetails command prints histogram information on individual Graal nodes in addition to the previous compilation statistics:

  Graal nodes after Truffle tier                    :
      FrameState                                    : count= 168, sum=   35502, min=       1, average=      211.32, max=    2048, maxTarget=deltaBlue
      FixedGuardNode                                : count= 168, sum=   18939, min=       0, average=      112.73, max=    1048, maxTarget=change
      LoadFieldNode                                 : count= 168, sum=   14432, min=       0, average=       85.90, max=     814, maxTarget=EditConstraint
  Graal nodes after Graal tier                      :
      BeginNode                                     : count= 166, sum=   33333, min=       0, average=      200.80, max=    2110, maxTarget=change
      FrameState                                    : count= 166, sum=   30591, min=       0, average=      184.28, max=    2393, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
      AMD64AddressNode                              : count= 166, sum=   20072, min=       0, average=      120.92, max=    1960, maxTarget=MeasureDefault

The --engine.TraceMethodExpansion=truffleTier command prints a tree of all expanded Java methods with statistics after each compilation:

[engine] Expansion tree for test after truffleTier:
Name                                                                                Frequency | Count    Size  Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | Self Count  Size Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | IRNode ASTNode Lang:File:Line:Chars
<root>                                                                                   1.00 |    64      72      42     1     1       0      1 |         34    20      0     0     0       0      0 |  -
 OptimizedCallTarget.profiledPERoot(Object)                                              1.00 |    30      52      42     1     1       0      1 |          1     2      2     0     0       0      0 |    121
  OptimizedCallTarget.injectArgumentsProfile(Object)                                     1.00 |     9      19      16     0     0       0      0 |          4     3      0     0     0       0      0 |      5
   OptimizedCallTarget.unsafeCast(Object, Class, Z, Z, Z)                                1.00 |     1       0       0     0     0       0      0 |          1     0      0     0     0       0      0 |     10
   OptimizedCallTarget.castArgumentsImpl(Object, Class)                                  1.00 |     4      16      16     0     0       0      0 |          4    16     16     0     0       0      0 |     12
  OptimizedCallTarget.executeRootNode(VirtualFrame)                                      1.00 |    20      31      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
   JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                 1.00 |    20      31      24     1     1       0      1 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     34       0 js:test.js:1:0-100
    JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.getRealm()                                           1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              0 js:test.js:1:0-100
     JSContext.getRealm()                                                                1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
      PolyglotReferences$AssumeSingleContext.get()                                       1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
       PolyglotReferences$WeakSingleContext.get()                                        1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     37
    FunctionRootNode.executeInRealm(VirtualFrame)                                        1.00 |    18      29      24     1     1       0      1 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     41       0 js:test.js:1:0-100
     FunctionBodyNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                              1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              1 js:test.js:1:0-100
      AbstractBlockNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                            1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
       AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)                 1.00 |    16      20      16     1     1       0      0 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     50       2 js:test.js:1:16-100
        WhileNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                                              1.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              7 js:test.js:3:35-84
         OptimizedOSRLoopNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                    101.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          4     3      2     0     1       0      0 |     46       8 js:test.js:3:35-84
          RepeatingNode.executeRepeatingWithValue(VirtualFrame)                          1.00 |    11      16      14     1     0       0      0 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |    100       9 js:test.js:3:35-84
           WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode.executeRepeating(VirtualFrame)               101.00 |    10      15      14     1     0       0      0 |          3     2      1     1     0       0      0 |     63       9 js:test.js:3:35-84
            AbstractRepeatingNode.executeCondition(VirtualFrame)                       101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              9 js:test.js:3:35-84
             StatementNode.executeConditionAsBoolean(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode)     101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
              JSLessThanNodeGen.executeBoolean(VirtualFrame)                           101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             10 js:test.js:3:51-58
               JSLessThanNodeGen.executeBoolean_int_int0(VirtualFrame, J)              101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                JSLessThanNode.doInt(I, I)                                             101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          1     1      1     0     0       0      0 |     59      10 js:test.js:3:51-58
            AbstractRepeatingNode.executeBody(VirtualFrame)                            101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              9 js:test.js:3:35-84
             AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                               101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
              AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)        101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             13 js:test.js:3:35-84
               JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             14 js:test.js:4:71-79
                JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             14 js:test.js:4:71-79
                 JSAddNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                                 101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                  JSAddNode.doInt(I, I)                                                101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                   Math.addExact(I, I)                                                 100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     75      15 js:test.js:4:71-74
                LocalVarPostfixIncNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                     101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             18 js:test.js:3:60-63
                 LocalVarPostfixIncNode.doInt(Frame)                                   101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             18 js:test.js:3:60-63
                  LocalVarIncNode$IncOp.doInt(I)                                       101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                   Math.addExact(I, I)                                                 100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     85
       AbstractBlockNode.executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)              1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              2 js:test.js:1:16-100
        ReturnNode$TerminalPositionReturnNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                      1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             20 js:test.js:6:87-98
         JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.execute(VirtualFrame)                             1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
          Integer.valueOf(I)                                                             1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          1     8      8     0     0       0      1 |    139      21 js:test.js:6:94-97

The --engine.TraceNodeExpansion=truffleTier command prints a tree of all expanded Truffle nodes with statistics after each compilation. This view groups the method expansion tree by node id:

[engine] Expansion tree for test after truffleTier:
Name                                                       Frequency | Count    Size  Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | Self Count  Size Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | IRNode ASTNode Lang:File:Line:Chars
<call-root>                                                     1.00 |    64      72      42     1     1       0      1 |         44    41     18     0     0       0      0 |      0
 FunctionRootNode                                               1.00 |    20      31      24     1     1       0      1 |          3     3      0     0     0       0      0 |     34       0 js:test.js:1:0-100
  FunctionBodyNode                                              1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              1 js:test.js:1:0-100
   ExprBlockNode                                                1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     50       2 js:test.js:1:16-100
    WhileNode                                                   1.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              7 js:test.js:3:35-84
     OptimizedOSRLoopNode$OptimizedDefaultOSRLoopNode         101.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          4     3      2     0     1       0      0 |     46       8 js:test.js:3:35-84
      WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode                          101.00 |    11      16      14     1     0       0      0 |          4     3      1     1     0       0      0 |    100       9 js:test.js:3:35-84
       JSLessThanNodeGen                                      101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          1     1      1     0     0       0      0 |     59      10 js:test.js:3:51-58
       VoidBlockNode                                          101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             13 js:test.js:3:35-84
        JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                        101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             14 js:test.js:4:71-79
         JSAddNodeGen                                         100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     75      15 js:test.js:4:71-74
         LocalVarPostfixIncNodeGen                            100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     85      18 js:test.js:3:60-63
    ReturnNode$TerminalPositionReturnNode                       1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             20 js:test.js:6:87-98
     JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                              1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          1     8      8     0     0       0      1 |    139      21 js:test.js:6:94-97

The --engine.MethodExpansionStatistics=truffleTier command prints statistics on expanded Java methods during partial evaluation at the end of a run. This can be useful to detect code that produces too many or certain Graal nodes unexpectedly:

[engine] Method expansion statistics after truffleTier:
Name                                                                       Count IR Nodes (min avg max)        Size (min avg max)      Cycles (min avg max)       Ifs  Loops Invokes Allocs | Max IRNode ASTNode Unit:Lang:File:Line:Chars
  <no-source-position>                                                         1      212 (212 212.0 212)       117 (117 117.0 117)         0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |          0         mandelbrot
  OptimizedOSRLoopNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                   4       13 (0 3.3 5)               9 (0 2.3 3)               6 (0 1.5 2)             0      3       0      0 |        172      60 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  Math.addExact(I, I)                                                          4       12 (3 3.0 3)              24 (6 6.0 6)              24 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        485     103 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:80:2874-2875
  WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode.executeRepeating(VirtualFrame)                4        9 (0 2.3 3)               6 (0 1.5 2)               3 (0 0.8 1)             3      0       0      0 |         88      17 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2374-3431
  JSTypes.intToDouble(I)                                                       7        7 (1 1.0 1)               7 (1 1.0 1)              24 (0 3.4 8)             0      0       0      0 |        144      41 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:62:2478-2486
  OptimizedCallTarget.castArgumentsImpl(Object, Class)                         1        7 (7 7.0 7)              25 (25 25.0 25)           24 (24 24.0 24)          0      0       0      0 |         12         mandelbrot
  JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                     6        6 (0 1.0 3)               4 (0 0.7 2)               2 (0 0.3 1)             2      0       0      0 |        563      46 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2519-2544
  AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)            8        6 (0 0.8 4)               6 (0 0.8 4)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |        177      39 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:61:2459-3416
  Math.multiplyExact(I, I)                                                     4        6 (1 1.5 2)              12 (2 3.0 4)              20 (4 5.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        155      49 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2529-2534
  OptimizedCallTarget.injectArgumentsProfile(Object)                           1        4 (4 4.0 4)               3 (3 3.0 3)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |          5         mandelbrot
  JSMultiplyNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                4        4 (1 1.0 1)               4 (1 1.0 1)               8 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        280      75 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:70:2657-2663
  IfNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                                             3        3 (0 1.0 3)               2 (0 0.7 2)               1 (0 0.3 1)             1      0       0      0 |        606     126 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3240-3397
  Math.subtractExact(I, I)                                                     1        3 (3 3.0 3)               6 (6 6.0 6)               6 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        589     129 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3249-3257
  JSSubtractNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        167      47 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2544
  JSLessThanNode.doInt(I, I)                                                   3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        187      62 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2596-2602
  JSAddNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                     3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        263      67 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:69:2623-2639
  JSDivideNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                  2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)              64 (32 32.0 32)          0      0       0      0 |        165      48 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2540
  JSBitwiseXorNode.doInteger(I, I)                                             2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        575     119 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:90:3170-3173
  JSEqualNode.doInt(I, I)                                                      2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        592     127 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3244-3257
  RepeatingNode.executeRepeatingWithValue(VirtualFrame)                        4        1 (0 0.3 1)               1 (0 0.3 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |        499      61 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  FunctionRootNode.executeInRealm(VirtualFrame)                                1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         53       0 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  OptimizedCallTarget.profiledPERoot(Object)                                   1        1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        737         mandelbrot
  PolyglotReferences$WeakSingleContext.get()                                   1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         41         mandelbrot
  JSLeftShiftNode.doInteger(I, I)                                              1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        619     134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
  Integer.intValue()                                                           1        1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |         50       4 mandelbrot:js:1:0-0
  JSSubtractNode.doInt(I, I)                                                   2        1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)             0      0       0      0 |        940     136 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3282-3295
  JSLeftShiftConstantNode.doInteger(I)                                         1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        527     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
  JSSubtractNodeGen.executeDouble(VirtualFrame)                                3        1 (0 0.3 1)               1 (0 0.3 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         33      47 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2544
  JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         74      19 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2381-2382
  Integer.valueOf(I)                                                           1        1 (1 1.0 1)               8 (8 8.0 8)               8 (8 8.0 8)             0      0       0      1 |        939     154 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:105:3442-3445
  JSBitwiseOrNode.doInteger(I, I)                                              1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        532     106 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2931
  JSGreaterThanNode.doDouble(D, D)                                             1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        461      93 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:76:2800-2815
  OptimizedCallTarget.unsafeCast(Object, Class, Z, Z, Z)                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         10         mandelbrot
  JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                        1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         38         mandelbrot
  JSLeftShiftConstantNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                          1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         36     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
  DualNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                               1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                  2 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447

The --engine.NodeExpansionStatistics=truffleTier command prints statistics on expanded Truffle nodes during partial evaluation at the end of a run. This can be useful to detect code that produces too many or certain Graal nodes unexpectedly. It also shows individual specialization combinations as they were observed during compilation:

[engine] Node expansion statistics after truffleTier:
Name                                                    Count IR Nodes (min avg max)        Size (min avg max)      Cycles (min avg max)       Ifs  Loops Invokes Allocs | Max IRNode ASTNode Unit:Lang:File:Line:Chars
  <call-root>                                               1      226 (226 226.0 226)       148 (148 148.0 148)        26 (26 26.0 26)          0      0       0      0 |          0         mandelbrot
  OptimizedOSRLoopNode$OptimizedDefaultOSRLoopNode          4       13 (0 3.3 5)               9 (0 2.3 3)               6 (0 1.5 2)             0      3       0      0 |        172      60 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  JSAddConstantRightNumberNodeGen                           4       12 (3 3.0 3)              24 (6 6.0 6)              24 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        485     103 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:80:2874-2875
    [doInt(I)]                                              4       12 (3 3.0 3)              24 (6 6.0 6)              24 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        485     103 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:80:2874-2875
  JSMultiplyNodeGen                                         6       11 (1 1.8 3)              17 (1 2.8 6)              28 (2 4.7 10)            0      0       0      0 |        155      49 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2529-2534
    [doIntALargerZero(I, I), doIntBLargerZero(I, I)]        2        6 (3 3.0 3)              12 (6 6.0 6)              20 (10 10.0 10)          0      0       0      0 |        155      49 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2529-2534
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        4        5 (1 1.3 2)               5 (1 1.3 2)               8 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        275      75 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:70:2657-2663
  WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode                            4       10 (0 2.5 4)               7 (0 1.8 3)               3 (0 0.8 1)             3      0       0      0 |        499      61 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  JSSubtractNodeGen                                         5        9 (1 1.8 3)              12 (1 2.4 6)              10 (1 2.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        589     129 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3249-3257
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        3        5 (1 1.7 2)               5 (1 1.7 2)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |         33      47 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2544
    [doInt(I, I)]                                           2        4 (1 2.0 3)               7 (1 3.5 6)               7 (1 3.5 6)             0      0       0      0 |        589     129 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3249-3257
  JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                           18        7 (0 0.4 3)               5 (0 0.3 2)               2 (0 0.1 1)             2      0       0      0 |        563      46 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2519-2544
  JSDivideNodeGen                                           2        5 (2 2.5 3)               5 (2 2.5 3)              88 (40 44.0 48)          0      0       0      0 |        158      48 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2540
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        2        5 (2 2.5 3)               5 (2 2.5 3)              88 (40 44.0 48)          0      0       0      0 |        158      48 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2540
  VoidBlockNode                                             7        5 (0 0.7 4)               5 (0 0.7 4)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |        177      39 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:61:2459-3416
  JSAddNodeGen                                              3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        263      67 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:69:2623-2639
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        263      67 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:69:2623-2639
  JSLessThanNodeGen                                         3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        187      62 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2596-2602
    [doInt(I, I)]                                           3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        187      62 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2596-2602
  IfNode                                                    4        3 (0 0.8 3)               2 (0 0.5 2)               1 (0 0.3 1)             1      0       0      0 |        606     126 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3240-3397
  JSGreaterThanNodeGen                                      1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        460      93 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:76:2800-2815
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        460      93 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:76:2800-2815
  JSBitwiseXorNodeGen                                       2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        575     119 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:90:3170-3173
    [doInteger(I, I)]                                       2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        575     119 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:90:3170-3173
  JSLeftShiftConstantNodeGen                                1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |         36     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
    [doInteger(I)]                                          1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |         36     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
  JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                             2        2 (1 1.0 1)               9 (1 4.5 8)               8 (0 4.0 8)             0      0       0      1 |         74      19 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2381-2382
  JSEqualNodeGen                                            2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        592     127 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3244-3257
    [doInt(I, I)]                                           2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        592     127 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3244-3257
  FunctionRootNode                                          1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         53       0 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  ExprBlockNode                                             1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         69       5 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2305-3447
  JSBitwiseOrNodeGen                                        1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        532     106 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2931
    [doInteger(I, I)]                                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        532     106 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2931
  AccessIndexedArgumentNode                                 1        1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |         50       4 mandelbrot:js:1:0-0
  JSLeftShiftNodeGen                                        2        1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)             0      0       0      0 |        619     134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
    [doInteger(I, I)]                                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        619     134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
    <unknown>                                               1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
  FunctionBodyNode                                          1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                  1 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  ReturnNode$TerminalPositionReturnNode                     1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                153 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:105:3435-3445
  DualNode                                                  1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                  2 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  WhileNode                                                 4        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                 15 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2374-3431
  DirectBreakTargetNode                                     2        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                 14 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2305-3447

The --engine.InstrumentBoundaries command prints, at the end of the process, information about runtime calls (@TruffleBoundary) made from compiled code. These cause objects to escape (are black-boxes to further optimization) and should generally be minimized. Also see the Branch Instrumentation guide for more details about instrumenting branches and boundaries.

Execution profile (sorted by hotness)
  0: *******************************************************************************

com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.binary.JSAddNode.doStringInt(JSAddNode.java:177) [bci: 2]
[0] count = 22525269

com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.ConstructorBuiltins$ConstructDateNode.constructDateZero(ConstructorBuiltins.java:837) [bci: 6]
[1] count = 69510

The --engine.InstrumentBranches command prints, at the end of the process, information of branch usage in compiled code:

Execution profile (sorted by hotness)
  2: ***************
  1: **************
  5: *************
  4: ************
  3: *********
 10: **
  8: *
  9: *
 14: *

com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.PropertyGetNode.getValueOrDefault(PropertyGetNode.java:301) [bci: 55]
[2] state = BOTH(if=36486564#, else=44603498#)

com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.control.IfNode.execute(IfNode.java:158) [bci: 12]
[1] state = BOTH(if=72572593#, else=1305851#)

com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.function.JSFunctionCallNode.executeCall(JSFunctionCallNode.java:233) [bci: 18]
[5] state = BOTH(if=38703322#, else=32550439#)

com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.PropertyCacheNode$PrototypeShapeCheckNode.accept(PropertyCacheNode.java:364) [bci: 4]
[4] state = ELSE(if=0#, else=64094316#)

com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.control.WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode.executeRepeating(WhileNode.java:230) [bci: 5]
[3] state = BOTH(if=44392142#, else=7096299#)

The --engine.SpecializationStatistics command prints detailed histograms about Node classes and their usage of Truffle DSL specializations. See Specialization Statistics for a tutorial on how to use it.

Note: Specialization statistics require a recompilation of the interpeter.

| Name                                                                         Instances          Executions     Executions per instance
| JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                                               8 (17%)            18 (12%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.25 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doBoolean <boolean>                                                          1 (13%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~4:52-71
|   doInt <int>                                                                  1 (13%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doSafeIntegerInt                                                             0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doSafeInteger                                                                0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doLong                                                                       0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doDouble                                                                     0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doObject                                                                     7 (88%)            16 (89%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.29 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     <DynamicObjectBasic>                                                         6 (86%)            12 (75%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.00 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     <IteratorRecord>                                                             1 (14%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~1-8:16-130
|     <String>                                                                     2 (29%)             2 (13%)        Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     <Integer>                                                                    1 (14%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~6:105-123
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   [doBoolean]                                                                  1 (13%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~4:52-71
|   [doInt, doObject]                                                            1 (13%)             4 (22%)        Min=         4 Avg=        4.00 Max=          4  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     doInt                                                                        1 (100%)            1 (25%)        Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     doObject                                                                     1 (100%)            3 (75%)        Min=         3 Avg=        3.00 Max=          3  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   [doObject]                                                                   6 (75%)            13 (72%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.17 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
| Name                                                                         Instances          Executions     Executions per instance
| JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                                                8 (17%)            25 (17%)        Min=         1 Avg=        3.13 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doBoolean                                                                    0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doInt <no-args>                                                              1 (13%)             1 (4%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|   doDouble                                                                     0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doObject <no-args>                                                           8 (100%)           24 (96%)        Min=         1 Avg=        3.00 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doSafeInteger                                                                0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   [doInt, doObject]                                                            1 (13%)             4 (16%)        Min=         4 Avg=        4.00 Max=          4  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|     doInt                                                                        1 (100%)            1 (25%)        Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|     doObject                                                                     1 (100%)            3 (75%)        Min=         3 Avg=        3.00 Max=          3  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|   [doObject]                                                                   7 (88%)            21 (84%)        Min=         1 Avg=        3.00 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128

The --vm.XX:+TraceDeoptimization command prints deoptimization events, whether the code is compiled by Truffle or conventional compilers (the output of HotSpot and native images may vary for this flag):

Uncommon trap   bci=9 pc=0x00000001097f2235, relative_pc=501, method=com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.PropertyNode.executeInt(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I, debug_id=0
Uncommon trap occurred in org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget::profiledPERoot compiler=JVMCI compile_id=2686 (JVMCI: installed code name=BinaryConstraint.output#2)  (@0x00000001097f2235) thread=5891 reason=transfer_to_interpreter action=reinterpret unloaded_class_index=-1 debug_id=0

The --vm.XX:+TraceDeoptimizationDetails command prints more information (only available for native images):

[Deoptimization initiated
    name: BinaryConstraint.output
    sp: 0x7ffee7324d90  ip: 0x1126c51a8
    reason: TransferToInterpreter  action: InvalidateReprofile
    debugId: 3  speculation: jdk.vm.ci.meta.SpeculationLog$NoSpeculationReason@10f942aa0
[Deoptimization of frame
    name: BinaryConstraint.output
    sp: 0x7ffee7324d90  ip: 0x1126c51a8
    stack trace where execution continues:
        at org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedCallTarget.profiledPERoot(OptimizedCallTarget.java:475) bci 0  return address 0x10aab9e5e
            bci: 0  deoptMethodOffset: 35524160  deoptMethod: 0x10aab9e40  return address: 0x10aab9e5e  offset: 0
            slot 0  kind: Object  value: com.oracle.svm.truffle.api.SubstrateOptimizedCallTarget@0x112cbbaa0  offset: 64
            slot 1  kind: Object  value: [Ljava.lang.Object;@0x1144a7db0  offset: 56

Controlling What Is Compiled

To make the best use of the former options, limit what is compiled to the methods that you are interested in.

Ideal Graph Visualizer

The Ideal Graph Visualizer (IGV) is a tool to understand Truffle ASTs and the GraalVM compiler graphs.

A typical usage is to run with --vm.Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:1 --vm.Dgraal.PrintGraph=Network, which will show you Truffle ASTs, guest-language call graphs, and the Graal graphs as they leave the Truffle phase. If the -Dgraal.PrintGraph=Network flag is omitted then the dump files are placed in the graal_dumps directory, which you should then open in IGV.

Use --vm.Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:2 to dump Graal graphs between each compiler phase.

C1 Visualizer

The C1 Visualizer is a tool to understand the Low Level IR (LIR), register allocation, and code generation stages of GraalVM. It is available here.

A typical usage is --vm.Dgraal.Dump=:3. Files are put into a graal_dumps directory which you should then open in the C1 Visualizer.


THe --vm.XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions --vm.XX:+PrintAssembly commands combination prints assembly code. You will need to install hsdis using mx hsdis in graal/compiler, or manually install it into the current directory from here.

Typical usage is --vm.Dgraal.Dump --vm.Dgraal.PrintBackendCFG=true. Files are put into a graal_dumps directory which you should then open in the C1 Visualizer.

Combine with --vm.XX:TieredStopAtLevel=0 to disable compilation of runtime routines so that it’s easier to find your guest-language method.

Note: You can also look at assembly code in the C1 Visualizer.

These have been the most common and powerful ways to optimize or debug Truffle interpreters.