Node.js Runtime

GraalVM can run unmodified Node.js applications. Applications can freely import and use NPM packages, including native ones.

For the differences between running the node native launcher and accessing Node.js/npm modules/ECMAScript modules from a Java Context, see NodeJSVSJavaScriptContext.

Installing Node.js Component

Since GraalVM 21.1, the Node.js support is packaged in a separate GraalVM component. It can be installed with the GraalVM Updater.

$GRAALVM/bin/gu install nodejs

This installs the node and npm binaries in the $GRAALVM/bin directory.

Polyglot Support in Node.js

The Node.js component is able to use the polyglot language interoperability (flag: --polyglot) with other installed polyglot languages. This feature is available by default in JVM mode (flag: --jvm). For polyglot access to the Ruby language, you can e.g. use this command:

$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/node --jvm --polyglot -e 'var array = Polyglot.eval("ruby", "[1,2,42,4]"); console.log(array[2]);'

To use the polyglot capabilities of node in the native mode (flag: --native), the libpolyglot needs to be rebuilt first. For this, the native-image component and the other languages need to be installed first, before the image can be rebuilt:

$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/gu install native-image
$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/gu rebuild-images libpolyglot

After a successfull rebuild, the polyglot access is also available in the --native mode:

$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/node --native --polyglot -e 'var array = Polyglot.eval("ruby", "[1,2,42,4]"); console.log(array[2]);'

Running Node.js Applications

To run Node.js-based applications, use the node launcher in the GraalVM distribution:

$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/node [options] [filename] [args]

GraalVM’s Node.js runtime is based on a recent version of Node.js, and runs the GraalVM JavaScript engine instead of Google V8. Thus, some internal features (e.g., VM-internal statistics, configuration, profiling, debugging, etc.) are unsupported, or supported with potentially different behavior.

The node command is largely compatible with Node.js, and features additional GraalVM-specific functionalities (e.g., interoperability with Java and all other GraalVM languages). A list of available options can be obtained with node --help.

Installing Packages Using npm

To install a Node.js package, you can use the npm launcher from the GraalVM’s /bin folder. The npm command is equivalent to the default NPM command, and supports most of its options.

An NPM package can be installed with:

$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/npm install <package>

As the npm command of GraalVM is largely compatible with NPM, packages will be installed in the node_modules folder, as expected.

Installing npm Packages Globally

Node packages can be installed globally using npm and the -g option. By default, npm installs global packages (links to their executables) in the path where the node executable is installed, typically NODE/bin. In GraalVM, while there is a node executable in GRAALVM/bin, this is just a link to the actual executable in the GRAALVM/jre/languages/js/bin folder. That folder is where global packages are installed. You might want to add that directory to your $PATH if you regularly use globally installed packages, especially their command line interfaces.

Another option is to specify the global installation folder of npm by setting the $PREFIX environment variable, or by specifying the --prefix option when running npm install. For example, the following command will install global packages in the /foo/bar folder:

$GRAALVM_HOME/bin/npm install --prefix /foo/bar -g <package>

More details about prefix can be found in the official NPM documentation.