Oracle GraalVM Container Images

Oracle GraalVM container images are available in Oracle Container Registry (OCR) under the GraalVM Free Terms and Conditions (GFTC) license.


Oracle GraalVM container images are published in two OCR repositories: jdk and native-image.

Repository Description
jdk Provides container images with Oracle GraalVM JDK which can be used to both compile and deploy Java applications. Image tags let you select the Java version and Oracle Linux version.
native-image Provides Oracle GraalVM container images with the native-image utility along with all tools required to compile applications into native Linux executables. These images are commonly used in multi-stage builds to compile applications into executables that are then packaged in a lightweight container image. Image tags let you select the Java version and Oracle Linux version as well as variants that include the musl toolchain for the creation of fully statically linked executables.

Both repositories provide container images for AMD64 and AArch64 processor architectures, with a choice of Oracle Linux versions 7, 8, or 9.

Oracle GraalVM is installed in /usr/lib64/graalvm/graalvm-java<$FeatureVersion> where <$FeatureVersion> is 17, 20, etc. For instance, Oracle GraalVM for JDK 17 is installed in /usr/lib64/graalvm/graalvm-java17. All binaries, including java, javac, native-image, and other binaries are available as global commands via the alternatives command.


Each repository provides multiple tags that let you choose the level of stability you need including the Java version, build number, and the Oracle Linux version. Oracle GraalVM image tags use the following naming convention:

$version[-muslib(for native image only)][-$platform][-$buildnumber]

The following tags are listed from the most-specific tag (at the top) to the least-specific tag (at the bottom). The most-specific tag is unique and always points to the same image, while the less-specific tags point to newer image variants over time.


Pulling Images

  1. To pull the container image for Oracle GraalVM JDK for a specific JDK feature version, e.g., 17, run:

     docker pull

    Alternatively, to use the container image as the base image in your Dockerfile, use:

  2. To pull the container image for Oracle GraalVM native-image utility for a specific JDK feature version, e.g., 17, run:

    docker pull

    Alternatively, to pull the container image for Oracle GraalVM native-image utility with the musl libc toolchain to create fully statically linked executables, run:

    docker pull

    Alternatively, to use the container image as the base image in your Dockerfile, use:

  3. To verify, start the container and enter the Bash session:

     docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash

    To check the version of Oracle GraalVM and its installed location, run the env command from the Bash prompt:


    The output shows the environment variable JAVA_HOME pointing to the installed Oracle GraalVM version and location.

    To check the Java version, run the following command from the Bash prompt:

     java -version

    The output shows the installed Oracle GraalVM Java runtime environment and version information.

    To check the native-image version, run the following command from the Bash prompt:

     native-image --version

    The output shows the installed Oracle GraalVM native-image utility version information.

  4. Calling docker pull without specifying a processor architecture pulls container images for the processor architecture that matches your Docker client. To pull container images for a different platform architecture, specify the desired platform architecture with the --platform option and either linux/amd64 or linux/aarch64 as follows:

     docker pull --platform linux/aarch64

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