Oracle GraalVM

Oracle GraalVM compiles your Java applications ahead of time into standalone binaries. These binaries are smaller, start up to 100x faster, provide peak performance with no warmup, and use less memory and CPU than applications running on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

GraalVM reduces the attack surface of your application. It excludes unused classes, methods and fields from the application binary. It restricts reflection and other dynamic Java language features to build time only. It does not load any unknown code at run time.

Popular microservices frameworks such as Spring Boot, Micronaut, Helidon, and Quarkus, and cloud platforms such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure all support GraalVM.

With profile-guided optimization and the G1 (Garbage-First) garbage collector, you can get lower latency and on-par or better peak performance and throughput compared to applications running on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

You can use the GraalVM JDK just like any other Java Development Kit in your IDE.

Key Benefits

Oracle GraalVM’s key benefits are:

Start with installing Oracle GraalVM by following the installation guide.

Whether you are new to Oracle GraalVM and Native Image or have little experience using it, continue to Getting Started.

Developers who already have Oracle GraalVM installed, or have experience using it, should proceed to the Reference Manuals for in-depth coverage.