Oracle GraalVM

Challenges Faced By Today’s Businesses

Today’s online global enterprises and microservices alike face the same challenges: achieve better performance, and reduce ever-increasing infrastructure costs. The evolution from older, layered architectures to microservices requires new, innovative approaches to running a business either on premises or in the cloud.

Speed, dexterity, and leanness are key, then, to command the modern online marketplace.

Faster, Smaller, Leaner Applications

Oracle GraalVM is the foundation for innovation and improvement for both large enterprise applications and microservices alike.

Built on trusted and secure Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM accelerates application performance while consuming fewer resources — improving application efficiency and reducing IT costs.

In data centers with ever-growing workloads, being able to service more requests with the same computing infrastructure reduces the need to purchase additional hardware. Thus Oracle GraalVM’s reduction of required compute resources can lower capital cost expenditures on premise and lower operation costs in the cloud.

Trusted Oracle Support and Updates

Oracle GraalVM customers can take advantage of 24/7 access to the experienced Oracle GraalVM support team who work closely with the Oracle Java support team.

Oracle GraalVM releases include all Oracle Java critical patch updates (CPUs) which are released on a regular schedule to remedy defects and known vulnerabilities.


Start using Oracle GraalVM and:

Test Oracle GraalVM with your workload and see for yourself the advantages it brings.