Installation on Windows Platforms

Oracle GraalVM is available for Windows on the x64 architecture.

Follow these steps to install Oracle GraalVM:

  1. Navigate to Oracle Java Downloads. Select the preferred Oracle GraalVM version, 22 for the Java version, and Windows for the operating system. Start downloading.

  2. Change the directory to the location where you want to install GraalVM, then move the .zip archive file to it.

  3. Unzip the archive to your file system.

  4. There can be multiple JDKs installed on the machine. The next step is to configure the runtime environment. Setting environment variables via the command line will work the same way for Windows 8, 10, and 11.
    • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to resolve to the installation directory:
       setx /M JAVA_HOME "C:\Progra~1\Java\<graalvm>"
    • Set the value of the PATH environment variable to the GraalVM bin directory:
       setx /M PATH "C:\Progra~1\Java\<graalvm>\bin;%PATH%"

      Note that the /M flag, equivalent to -m, requires elevated user privileges.

  5. Restart Command Prompt to reload the environment variables. Then use the following command to check whether the variables were set correctly:
     echo %PATH%
     echo %JAVA_HOME%

Alternatively, you can set up environment variables through a Windows GUI:

  1. Go to Windows Start Menu, then Settings, then Advanced.
  2. Click Environment Variables. In the section labeled “System Variables” find the JAVA_HOME variable and select it.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click New.
  5. Click Browse to find the directory to add. Confirm by clicking OK.
  6. Restart Command Prompt to reload the environment variables.

Repeat the same for the PATH environment variable.

Prerequisites for Native Image on Windows

On Windows, Native Image requires Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual C++(MSVC). Use Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.0 or later.

Install Visual Studio Build Tools and Windows SDK

  1. Download the Visual Studio Build Tools 2022 or later (C development environment) from

  2. Start the installation by clicking on the .exe file, and then click Continue:

    Install Visual Studio Build Tools

  3. Select the Desktop development with C++ check box in the main window. On the right side under Installation Details, make sure that the two requirements, Windows 11 SDK and MSVC (…) C++ x64/x86 build tools, are selected. Continue by clicking Install.

    Select Desktop development with C++

You should now be able to build with GraalVM Native Image.

Checking Existing Visual Studio Installations

If Visual Studio is already installed on your system, follow these steps to check that the right components are installed.

  1. Open the Visual Studio Installer:

    Open the Visual Studio Installer

  2. Under the Installed tab, click Modify and choose Individual Components:

    Visual Studio Installed Components

  3. Then scroll to the bottom and confirm that Windows 11 SDK and Visual Studio SDK are checked. Now you can start using Native Image.

Start Using Native Image

Native Image sets up build environments automatically if it can find an appropriate Visual Studio installation in a known location. With the GraalVM JDK on your PATH, you can therefore now run the native-image utility in a Command Prompt (cmd) or a PowerShell (pwsh).

To check the native-image version, run:

C:\> native-image.cmd --version

To build a project using the Native Build Tools Maven plugin, run:

mvnw.cmd native:compile

To build a project using the Native Build Tools Gradle plugin, run:

gradlew.bat nativeCompile

This guide was written for Windows 11, but should be valid for Windows 8 and 10.