8 Acronyms, Definitions, and Terms

Acme Command Line Interface is the command line interface used by Oracle to configure, maintain, and monitor SBCs and other Oracle products.
Alternating Current refers to the 120-volt electricity delivered by power utilities to three-pin power outlets. This type of power is called alternating current because the polarity of the current alternates between plus and minus, 60 times per second.
American Wire Gauge is a United States standard set of non-ferrous wire conductor sizes. The gauge means the diameter.
British Thermal Unit
Canadian Standards Association is a non-profit, independent organization that operates a listing service for electrical and electronic materials and equipment.
Direct Current refers to the flow of electrons in one direction within an electrical conductor, such as a wire.
Electromagnetic Compatibility is the ability of equipment or systems to be used in their intended environment within designed efficiency levels without causing or receiving degradation due to unintentional electromagnetic interference.
Electrostatic Discharge is the rapid discharge of static electricity from one conductor with an electrical charge to another of a different electrical charge.
European Compliance
European Norm
Federal Communications Commission
Frame ground
flash memory
Flash memory is a solid-state, non-volatile, re writable memory that functions like a combination of RAM and a hard disk drive.
Flow Quality Measurement Engine is responsible for monitoring, measuring, and maintaining statistics (e.g., latency, jitter, flow stoppage, flow creation, etc.) on a flow-by-flow basis.
Gigabit Ethernet is an Ethernet type that supports data transfer rates of 10 gigabit per second.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is an organization composed of engineers, scientists, and students. The IEEE is best known for developing standards for the computer and electronics industry.
Interference-causing Equipment Standard
International Electrotechnical Commission
Internet Engineering Task Force is the main standards organization for the Internet.
Internet Protocol is the method by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet.
Light Emitting Diode is an electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it.
Local Area Network is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line within a small geographic area.
Loss of Signal occurs when the signal level falls below an acceptable level. LOS is a physical layer error and typically results in an alarm.
Network Equipment Building Standards defines a rigid and extensive set of performance, quality, environmental, and safety requirements developed by Bellcore.
Network Interface Card is an expansion board you insert into a computer so the computer can be connected to a network.
The NIU provides network connectivity for management, signaling, and media traffic to and from the Acme Packet 6300 System.
Non-volatile Random Access Memory is a type of memory that retains its contents when power is turned off.
optical transceiver
The fiber connection to the Acme Packet 6300 System plugs into an optical transceiver. Through this connection, light energy is converted into electrical energy.
Personal Computer Memory Card International Association is an organization consisting of approximately 500 companies that has developed a standard for small, credit-card sized devices (PC cards). This standard is designed for attaching input/output devices such as network adaptors, fax/modems, or hard drives to notebook computers.
physical interface card
The physical interface card is synonymous with the network interface cards on the Acme Packet 6300 System.
Programmable Read-only Memory is a memory chip on which data can only be written once. A PROM is non-volatile; it is a memory chip on which data can be written only once.
Quality of Service is a networking term that refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various technologies.
Random Access Memory is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly. RAM is the same as main memory.
Recommended Standard 232 is a standard interface approved by the Electronic Industries Association for connecting serial devices.
Registered Jack 45 is an eight-wire connector commonly used to connect computers onto a LAN.
Simple Network Management Protocol is a set of protocols used for managing complex networks and network devices.
Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory is a type of DRAM that can run at much higher clock speeds than conventional memory.
Telnet is a standard terminal emulation program that allows remote login and connection to systems/servers on a network. Telnet uses a single TCP/IP network connection to provide this remote login, control, and communication functionality.
Transmission Control Protocol provides a reliable stream delivery and virtual connection service to applications through the use of sequenced acknowledgment with the retransmission of packets when necessary.
Transcoding Carrier Unit.
Uninterruptible Power Supply is a power supply that can run off of a backup battery when primary power is lost.
User Datagram Protocol provides a simple, but unreliable message service for transaction-oriented services. Each UDP header carries both a source port identifier and a destination port identifier, allowing high-level protocols to target specific applications and services among hosts.
Vacuum Fluorescent Display is used on the graphic display window of the Acme Packet 6300 System chassis’s front control panel.
Virtual Local Area Network refers to a network of computers are connected to a single physical segment of a wire but behave as if they are connected to the physically diverse LANs.
Volts Alternating Current
Volts Direct Current
Voluntary Control Council for Information Technology Equipment (Japan)
Wide Area Network is a computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area. Typically, a WAN consists of two or more LANs.
The directive by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union 2002/96/EC concerning waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).