Initial Login

Once you have established the console connection, powered on the Acme Packet 6300/6350 and a runtime image has been loaded, you are ready to log in and begin configuring the system. After the Acme Packet 6300/6350 System has been initialized, the ACLI login prompt appears in your terminal application as follows:

User Access Verification

If the Acme Packet 6300/6350 completed booting before you connected to the console port, press the Enter key on the console keyboard a few times to activate the console connection.

System access in the following procedure uses the default User and Superuser passwords. If you do not have the default passwords, please contact your customer support representative.

  1. At the ACLI password prompt, enter the default system User password and press <return>. Your entries are not echoed on the screen.
    User Access Verification

    From the User prompt you can view various configuration states and operating statistics on the Acme Packet 6300/6350 System, but you perform configuration tasks.

  2. Type enable and press return to enter Superuser mode. The prompt to enter the superuser password appears.
    ACMEPACKET> enable
  3. Enter the Superuser password and press return. The system prompt ends with a pound sign instead of a closed-angle-bracket to let you know are in Superuser mode.
  4. You can now begin configuring your Acme Packet 6300/6350 System. Refer to the Acme Packet Configuration Guide to learn how to establish an IP address for your Acme Packet 6300/6350 System.

    If you have any questions about booting or powering on your system, contact your Acme Packet customer support representative directly.