Get Payment Methods for an Account



Gets the payment methods associated with the specified account.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • The Business Identifier Code of a bank, to get bankAccountDebit payment methods.
  • The bank account number, to get a bankAccountDebit payment method.
  • The name of a bank, to get bankAccountDebit payment methods.
  • The card number, to get a bankCard payment method.
  • The name on the card, to get bankCard payment methods. You can use to get partial matches.
  • The type of bank card, to get bankCard payment methods. The only valid value for BRM is CREDIT.
  • The list of comma-separated fields to return in the response.
  • The maximum number of results to return. For example, use limit=10 to return the first 10 results only.
  • The number of results to offset the response by. For example, use offset=10 to return results 10 and higher.
  • The type of payment methods to get.
    Allowed Values: [ "tokenizedCard", "bankAccountDebit", "bankCard" ]

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The payment methods for the account were returned successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PaymentMethodType
Type: object
A payment method.
Show Source
Nested Schema : account
Type: array
An account that owns or can use the payment method.
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
The payment method's details, which differ based on the '@type' property.
Nested Schema : relatedParty
Type: array
The related party that owns the payment method.
Show Source
Nested Schema : TimePeriodType
Type: object
A period of time.
Show Source
Nested Schema : AccountRefType
Type: object
An account reference.
Show Source
Nested Schema : RelatedPartyRefType
Type: object
A related party.
Show Source

400 Response

Invalid Token

401 Response


403 Response


405 Response

Method not Allowed

500 Response

Internal Server Error
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The following example shows how to get all payment methods for a specified account by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X GET 'http://host:port/brm/paymentMethods/version/accounts/'

Example of the Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format. Note that the account has three different types of payment method, resulting in different properties under the details property.

		"id": "",
		"href": "http://host:port/brm/paymentMethods/version/paymentMethod/",
		"name": "Mary R's Tokenized Card",
		"description": null,
		"validFor": null,
		"account": [
				"id": "",
				"href": null,
				"description": "Mary's primary account"
				"name": "Mary Robbins",
				"@baseType": null,
				"@schemaLocation": null,
				"@type": null,
				"@referredType": null
		"preferred": false,
		"relatedParty": null,
		"@type": "tokenizedCard",
		"authorizationCode": null,
		"status": null,
		"statusDate": null,
		"details": {
			"brand": "Visa",
			"type": "CREDIT",
			"lastFourDigits": "1111",
			"tokenType": "1",
			"token": "4111111111111111",
			"issuer": null
		"id": "",
		"href": "http://host:port/brm/paymentMethods/version/paymentMethod/",
		"name": "Mary R's Bank Card",
		"description": null,
		"validFor": null,
		"account": [
				"id": "",
				"href": null,
				"description": "Mary's primary account"
				"name": "Mary Robbins",
				"@baseType": null,
				"@schemaLocation": null,
				"@type": null,
				"@referredType": null
		"preferred": false,
		"relatedParty": null,
		"@type": "bankCard",
		"authorizationCode": null,
		"status": null,
		"statusDate": null,
		"details": {
			"brand": "VISA",
			"type": "CREDIT",
			"cardNumber": "4222222222222"
			"expirationDate": "2021-02-28T11:59:59+05:30",
			"cvv": null,
			"lastFourDigits": "2222",
			"nameOnCard": "Mary Robbins",
			"bank": null
		"id": "",
		"href": "http://host:port/brm/paymentMethods/version/paymentMethod/",
		"name": "Mary R's Direct Debit Account",
		"description": null,
		"validFor": null,
		"account": [
				"id": "",
				"href": null,
				"description": "Mary's primary account"
				"name": "Mary Robbins",
				"@baseType": null,
				"@schemaLocation": null,
				"@type": null,
				"@referredType": null
		"preferred": true,
		"relatedParty": null,
		"@type": "bankAccountDebit",
		"authorizationCode": null,
		"status": null,
		"statusDate": null,
		"details": {
			"accountNumber": "12341234",
			"accountNumberType": "Savings",
			"owner": "Mary Robbins",
			"bank": "My Bank"
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