Quick Start

Set up your environment and use the Oracle Communications Billing Care REST API to make your first API call by performing these tasks:


Prerequisite More Information
Install the Billing Care REST API "Installing Billing Care" in Billing Care Installation Guide
Install cURL Use cURL
Set up authentication Authenticate

Task 1: Request an OAuth Access Token

From your account administrator, obtain the client_id and client_secret credentials for your REST client. Encode these in Base64 format for security, then use them to request an OAuth 2.0 access token as described in "Request an OAuth Access Token."

Task 2: Send a Request

After you set up your REST client, you can send a request to ensure that your connection works correctly. For example, if you want to retrieve an account from your environment, you can use the following request:


curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer accessToken"
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -H "Accept: application/json"
     -X GET


  • accessToken is the OAuth access token for your Billing Care REST API client.
  • hostname:port is the IP address or host name and port of the Billing Care REST API server.


If the request is successful, details about the account resource are returned. If the token has expired, you can request a new one.