1 Getting Started with Business Operations Center

You use Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Business Operations Center to create, schedule, and view the results of the following operations:

  • Billing: Finds accounts that need to be billed; calculates the balance due for each bill unit in the accounts, including all usage and cycle fees; and creates a bill for the balance due.

  • Collecting payments: Collects the balance due for accounts that use payment card (credit or debit card) or direct debit payment methods.

  • Invoicing: Generates invoices that list the events that were charged for and the customer's total account balance.

  • Generating general ledger reports: Generates general ledger reports to collect general ledger data for general ledger accounts.

  • Synchronizing product catalogs: Synchronizes the catalogs stored in the BRM server with updated values from customers.

  • Refunding payments: Finds accounts that have refund items, and makes online refund transactions.

  • Workflows: Runs a set of jobs in order, enabling an automated end-to-end process.

  • Your custom applications: Runs your custom applications and displays the results in the Business Operations screen. You must configure Business Operations Center to run your custom application.

  • Tracking business trends: Shows business trends based on data generated by the different supported operations.

For information about managing or administering Business Operations Center, see "Using Business Operations Center" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Overview of Business Operations Center Menus and Sections

  • Home Page: The Home page in Business Operations Center is your central dashboard for monitoring job statuses and system health. On the left side, you will find - the Unresolved box displays the number of failed jobs that require rerunning until successful, and the Attention box highlights the number of jobs that need your immediate consideration, either because they are blacked out or failed to run due to system issues. On the right side, you will find columns displaying Completed and Scheduled jobs, providing a comprehensive view of your job execution activity.

  • History Page: The History page in Business Operations Center offers a comprehensive view of your job history and allows you to track job completion over different time periods. On the left side, you can select the desired Time Period, ranging from the last 24 hours to a year. You can also filter jobs by their status, like Failed, Success, or Blacked out. The search bar at the top enables you to apply specific filters using job IDs and other criteria. Additionally, the Sort by feature at the top right lets you organize your job history data for easy access and analysis.

  • Dashboard:The Business Dashboard serves as a comprehensive visual representation of various critical jobs in Business Operations Center. This dynamic dashboard displays graphs for different job types, providing information about key performance indicators. For instance, the Payments Received graph depicts the payments received in dollars. Other graphs include Billed Revenue, Accounts Receivable, Payments Received.

  • Jobs Page: The Jobs page is your hub for managing and monitoring various jobs within the system. It offers a comprehensive view of both running and configured jobs. At the top right corner of the page, there are two menus - the Job Category menu, which allows you to categorize and organize jobs for easy reference and the Other Actions menu, which provides access to a range of additional functions like Manage Virtual Time, Schedule Blackout Periods to control job execution during specific time frames, and Manage Category Definitions. This last option enables you to define custom job categories, tailoring the system to meet your specific needs and preferences. The Jobs page helps to streamline job management and customization.

About Using Browser Commands with Business Operations Center

To avoid losing data, do not use browser commands, such as Back, Forward, and Refresh.

About Roles

The following table lists the user roles that provide access to Business Operations Center functionality. A user's role determines what tasks the user can perform in Business Operations Center.

Role Description

BOC Super Admin

Create, edit, delete, deactivate, and reactivate billing, collecting payment, invoicing, general ledger, synchronizing product catalog, refund, and workflow operations.

Resolve failures in payments from the Home page.

Have read access to the Dashboard page.

Create users and assign roles to them.

Operations Billing Admin

Create, edit, delete, deactivate, and reactivate billing and invoicing operations.

Operations Custom Admin

Create, edit and, delete custom categories in Business Operations Center.

Create, edit, delete, deactivate, and reactivate custom operations.

Operations View

Have read access to the Job History page, job timeline, and failed BRM payment transactions on the Home page.

Operations Finance Admin

Create, edit, delete, deactivate, and reactivate operations to collect payments, generate general ledger reports, and refund payments.

Resolve payment failures from the Home page.

Have read access to the Home and Job History pages and the job timeline.

Finance View

Have read access to the Dashboard page.

Operations Pricing Sync Admin

Create, edit, delete, deactivate, and reactivate product catalog sync operations.

Have read access to the Job History page and job timeline.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts for many actions in Business Operations Center.

Action Shortcut

Move focus to the next field or element from top to bottom and left to right.


Move focus to the previous field or element, from bottom to top and right to left.

Shift + Tab

In a drop-down list in the navigation bar and on the Job History page, open the menu and move to the next item in the list.

For the Time Period and Status lists on the Job History page and Jobs page, move to the next item in the list.

Down Arrow

In a drop-down list in the navigation bar and on the Job History page, move to the previous item in the list.

For a navigation list item on the Job History page and Jobs page, move to the previous item in the list.

Up Arrow

In the branding bar at the top of the interface, move to the next icon to the right.

On the Jobs home page, move to the next tab to the right.

Right Arrow

In the branding bar at the top of the interface, move to the next icon to the left.

On the Jobs home page, move to the next tab to the left.

Left Arrow

Click a link, a button, or an item on a navigation list or a drop-down list.

Enter or Spacebar

Opens a context menu, similar to a right-click with the mouse.

Shift + F10

Print the current page.

Ctrl + P

Open the browser's search bar or field to find text on the current page.

Ctrl + F or F3