Update Pricing Objects



Updates the specified pricing objects.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Nested Schema : alterationOffering
Type: array
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Nested Schema : alterationOfferingExclusion
Type: array
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Nested Schema : alterationRatePlan
Type: array
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Nested Schema : alterationRateplanSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : apnSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : bestPricing
Type: array
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Nested Schema : bundledProductOffering
Type: array
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Nested Schema : bundledProductOfferingDependency
Type: array
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Nested Schema : bundledProductOfferingTransition
Type: array
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Nested Schema : chargeOffering
Type: array
The charge offer pricing object.
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Nested Schema : chargeRatePlan
Type: array
The Charge Rate Plan Pricing Object
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Nested Schema : chargeRateplanSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : chargeSelectorSpec
Type: array
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Nested Schema : distributionOffering
Type: array
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Nested Schema : distributionRatePlan
Type: array
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Nested Schema : genericSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : package
Type: array
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Nested Schema : packageExclusion
Type: array
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Nested Schema : packageList
Type: array
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Nested Schema : packageTransition
Type: array
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Nested Schema : priceModel
Type: array
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Nested Schema : priceModelSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rolloverRatePlan
Type: array
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Nested Schema : subscriptionTerms
Type: array
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Nested Schema : subscriptionTermsAutoRenew
Type: array
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Nested Schema : taxExemptionSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : taxSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : timeModel
Type: array
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Nested Schema : triggerSpec
Type: array
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Nested Schema : uscSelector
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AlterationOfferingJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : alterationEventMap
Type: array
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : priceTag
Type: array
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Nested Schema : productSpecCharacteristic
Type: array
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Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AlterationEventMapJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : RatePlanInfoJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : RatePlanSelectorInfoJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : targetEngine
Type: array
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Nested Schema : targetEngine
Type: array
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Nested Schema : PriceTagWithDefaultJXB
Type: object
A price tag can be used to tag applicable pricing attributes at the design time which then can be used at rating time to impact a different price.
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  • Title: price tag attribute name
    Refers to the attribute's name. It specifies whether the price tag is applied on the price (for balance impacts in rate plan and increment) or lower bound/upper bound (for quantity ranges in usage/onetime/recurring events).
  • Title: price tag count in charge offer
    Refers to the count of the price tag associated in rate plans.
  • Title: price tag default value
    Refers to the default value of the price tag.
  • Title: price tag description
    Describes the price tag configured with the charge offer.
  • Title: price tag name
    Refers to the name of the price tag configured with the charge offer.
  • Allowed Values: [ "EVENT_PROFILE" ]
    Refers to the price tag's scope. The default value is Event Profile.
Nested Schema : ProductSpecCharacteristicJXB
Type: object
Defines the custom attributes and their valid values for a charge offer.
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Nested Schema : product spec char values
Type: array
Title: product spec char values
The list of special characteristics added for a given name.
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Nested Schema : AlterationOfferingExclusionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AlterationRatePlanJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : alterationConfiguration
Type: array
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Nested Schema : CompositePopModelRPEJXB
Type: object
Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
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Nested Schema : AlterationDateRangeRPEBranchJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AlterationRPEBranchJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : alterationConfiguration
Type: array
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Nested Schema : chargeSelectorSpecName
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AlterationPopModelJXB
Type: object
Defines the alteration product offering price model.
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Nested Schema : OneTimePopModelJXB
Type: object
Defines the balance impacts for a one time event type. For example, Product Purchase Fee, Product Cancel Fee>/b>, and so on.
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Nested Schema : RecurringPopModelJXB
Type: object
Defines the balance impacts for a recurring event type. For example, Monthly Cycle Forward fee.
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Nested Schema : ReplacementPopModelJXB
Type: object
Defines the replacement producting offer price model.
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Nested Schema : RolloverPopModelJXB
Type: object
Defines the rollover product offering price model.
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Nested Schema : UsageChargePopModelJXB
Type: object
Defines the usage charge product offering price model.
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Nested Schema : alteration price tier
Type: object
Title: alteration price tier
The container object that defines the alteration price tier.
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Nested Schema : alteration tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: alteration tier bound expression
The base entity for alteration lower bound expression.
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Nested Schema : alteration tier expression
Type: object
Title: alteration tier expression
The container object that defines alteration tier expression.
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Nested Schema : tier range
Type: array
Title: tier range
The container object that defines the charge tier range.
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Nested Schema : balance alteration tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: balance alteration tier bound expression
The alteration tier bound expression for balance.
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Nested Schema : binary alteration tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: binary alteration tier bound expression
The tier bound expression for binary operation.
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Nested Schema : charge alteration tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: charge alteration tier bound expression
The tier bound expression for charge.
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Nested Schema : custom alteration tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: custom alteration tier bound expression
The user defined tier bound expression.
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Nested Schema : number alteration tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: number alteration tier bound expression
The alteration tier bound expression for number.
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Nested Schema : quantity alteration tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: quantity alteration tier bound expression
The tier bound expression for RUM quantity.
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Nested Schema : balance alteration basis expression
Type: object
Title: balance alteration basis expression
The tier basis expression for balance.
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Nested Schema : binary alteration basis expression
Type: object
Title: binary alteration basis expression
The tier basis expression for binary operation.
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Nested Schema : charge alteration basis expression
Type: object
Title: charge alteration basis expression
The tier basis expression for charge.
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Nested Schema : custom alteration basis expression
Type: object
Title: custom alteration basis expression
The user defined tier basis expression.
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Nested Schema : number alteration basis expression
Type: object
Title: number alteration basis expression
The number expression for the tier basis.
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Nested Schema : quantity alteration basis expression
Type: object
Title: quantity alteration basis expression
The tier basis expression for RUM Quantity.
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Nested Schema : alteration basis expression
Type: object
Title: alteration basis expression
Specifies the left operand of alteration basis expression.
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Nested Schema : alteration price tier range
Type: object
Title: alteration price tier range
The container object that defines the charge tier range.
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Nested Schema : (required*) fixed alteration
Type: array
Title: (required*) fixed alteration
Defines the fixed alteration product offering price. This is a required field and has to be one of fixedAlteration or percentAlteration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) percent alteration
Type: array
Title: (required*) percent alteration
Defines percentage Alteration value. This is a required field and has to be one of fixedAlteration or percentAlteration.
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Nested Schema : fixed alteration pop
Type: object
Title: fixed alteration pop
Defines the fixed alteration product offering price.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which then can be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : PriceValidityJXB
Type: object
Defines the validity period for the credited amount in the balance impact.
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    Defines the end validity mode for the price.
  • Title: relative end offset
    The amount validity ends relative to the validity start time. Enter the number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, calendar days, hours, minutes, or seconds from the validity start time when the validity ends.
    Refers to the offset unit to measure the relative price validity cycle.
  • Title: relative start offset
    Makes the amount valid in any number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds from the event occurrence. For example, if you specify two accounting cycles, the amount will be valid after two accounting cycles from when the event occurs.
    Refers to the offset unit to measure the relative price validity cycle.
  • split detail
    Title: split detail
    Defines the split details for the grant between the start and end date.
    Defines the start validity mode for the price.
  • Title: validity range
    Defines the validity range. The DateTimeRange should be defined as YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS or YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.
Nested Schema : PriceTagJXB
Type: object
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
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  • Title: attribute name
    Refers to the attribute's name. It specifies whether the price tag is applied on price (for balance impacts in rate plan and increment) or to lower bound/upper bound (for quantity ranges in usage/onetime/recurring events).
  • Title: description
    Describes the price tag configured with the charge offer.
  • Title: tag name
    Refers to the name of the price tag configured with the charge offer.
  • Allowed Values: [ "EVENT_PROFILE" ]
    Refers to the price tag's scope. The default value is Event Profile.
Nested Schema : split detail
Type: object
Title: split detail
Defines the split details for the grant between the start and end date.
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  • Title: unit
    Defines the split unit. It is a number in which the grant is split. The default value is -1. For example, in a split of 10 minutes, '10' is the unit and 'min' is the unit type.
  • Allowed Values: [ "DAY", "HOUR", "MINUTE", "MONTH", "SECOND" ]
    Defines the split measurement unit.
  • Allowed Values: [ "BUCKET", "TOTAL" ]
    Defines the split validity type. The default value is BUCKET.
Nested Schema : percent alteration pop
Type: object
Title: percent alteration pop
Defines the percentage alteration value.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which then can be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : one time price tier
Type: object
Title: one time price tier
Defines the one time price tier.
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Nested Schema : ChargeTierExpressionJXB
Type: object
Refers to the base abstract entity for the tier expression.
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Nested Schema : tier range
Type: array
Title: tier range
Defines the one time price tier range.
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Nested Schema : balance charge tier expression
Type: object
Title: balance charge tier expression
Refers to the tier expression for balance for a charge.
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Nested Schema : RumChargeTierExpressionJXB
Type: object
Refers to the tier expression base object for RUM quantity for charge.
Nested Schema : one time price tier range
Type: object
Title: one time price tier range
The range of the one-time price tier.
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Nested Schema : one time charge
Type: array
Title: one time charge
The end value for the range. It is only supported for backward compatibility.
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Nested Schema : one time charge pop
Type: object
Title: one time charge pop
Refers to non recurring charges. For example, setup, cancellation fees.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which then can be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements except are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : RecurringPriceTierJXB
Type: object
Defines the recurring price tier.
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Nested Schema : tier range
Type: array
Title: tier range
Defines the recurring price tier range.
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Nested Schema : RecurringPriceTierRangeJXB
Type: object
Defines the recurring price tier range.
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Nested Schema : recurring charge
Type: array
Title: recurring charge
Defines the recurring charge product offering price.
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Nested Schema : RecurringChargePopJXB
Type: object
Defines the recurring charge product offering price.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which then can be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : ReplacementPopJXB
Type: object
Defines the replacement product offering price.
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  • Title: balance element num code
    Refers to the balance element's numeric code. For example, 840 for USD.
  • Title: General Ledger ID
    Refers to the General Ledger's ID. It is used for selecting the required General Ledger Information for a given balance impact.
  • Title: price
    The amount of debit or credit. For example 10 USD/GB/MIN.
  • Title: rum name
    The RUM's name.
  • Title: tax code
    Refers to the tax code used for the discount.
    Refers to the time when the charge is taxed.
    Specifies how the charge should be modified. The values are 0 - percentage, 1 -absolute value, and 2 - replace with a specific value. For example ABSOULTE_VALUE, PERCENTAGE, REPLACEMENT_VALUE.
Nested Schema : rollover charge
Type: array
Title: rollover charge
Defines the rollover product offering price.
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Nested Schema : RolloverPopJXB
Type: object
Defines the rollover product offering price.
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Nested Schema : price tier
Type: array
Title: price tier
Defines the charge price tier.
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Nested Schema : ChargePriceTierJXB
Type: object
Defines the charge price tier.
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Nested Schema : price tier validity period
Type: array
Title: price tier validity period
Defines the charge price tier validity period structure.
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Nested Schema : PriceTierValidityPeriodJXB
Type: object
Defines the charge price tier validity period structure.
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Nested Schema : minimum charge
Type: array
Title: minimum charge
Defines a minimum charge configuration for a balance element.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different prices. All elements are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : price tier range
Type: array
Title: price tier range
Defines the charge price tier range.
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Nested Schema : MinimumChargeJXB
Type: object
Defines a minimum charge configuration for a balance element.
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Nested Schema : ChargePriceTierRangeJXB
Type: object
Defines the charge price tier range.
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Nested Schema : (required*) fixed charge
Type: array
Title: (required*) fixed charge
Defines the fixed charge product offering price. It is a required field and has to be either fixedCharge or scaledCharge.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at the design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : (required*) scaled charge
Type: array
Title: (required*) scaled charge
Defines the scaled charge product offering price. It is a required field and has to be either fixedCharge or scaledCharge.
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Nested Schema : ChargeTierBoundExpressionJXB
Type: object
Defines the end value for a quantity range or the noncurrency balance element to consume.
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Nested Schema : FixedChargePopJXB
Type: object
Defines the fixed charge product offering price.
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Nested Schema : period condition expression
Type: object
Title: period condition expression
Defines the Period Condition Expression.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact a different price. All elements are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : ScaledChargePopJXB
Type: object
Defines the scaled charge product offering price.
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Nested Schema : price tag
Type: array
Title: price tag
Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact a different price. All elements are required except description.
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  • PriceTagJXB
    Tags any pricing attribute at design time which can then be used at rating time to impact different price. All elements are required except description.
Nested Schema : balance charge tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: balance charge tier bound expression
Refers to the tier bound expression for balance.
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Nested Schema : number charge tier bound expression
Type: object
Title: number charge tier bound expression
Refers to the number expression for the charge tier bound.
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  • Title: value
    Refers to the numeric value for the tier bound. It is Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY for Inf and Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY for -Inf.
Nested Schema : alterationConfiguration
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AttributeAnalyzerModelJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : modelData
Type: array
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Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : validityPeriod
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AAModelDataJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : AAValidityPeriodJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : rule
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AARuleJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : complexAAExpression
Type: array
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Nested Schema : crSelectorExpression
Type: array
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Nested Schema : customExpression
Type: array
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Nested Schema : fieldToFieldExpression
Type: array
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Nested Schema : fieldToValueExpression
Type: array
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Nested Schema : namedResultExpression
Type: array
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Nested Schema : result
Type: array
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Nested Schema : ruleData
Type: array
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Nested Schema : valueMapExpression
Type: array
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Nested Schema : ComplexAAExpressionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : AttributeAnalyzerExpressionsJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : CRSelectorExpressionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : CustomExpressionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : FieldToFieldExpressionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : FieldToValueExpressionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : NamedResultExpressionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : ValueMapExpressionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : namedResult
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AAResultJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : resultData
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AAResultDataJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : AARuleDataJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : BestPricingJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : alternateBundledProductOffering
Type: array
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AlternateOfferingJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : condition
Type: array
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Nested Schema : AlternateConditionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : BundledProductOfferingJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : bundledProductOfferingItem
Type: array
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : productSpecCharacteristic
Type: array
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Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : BundledProductOfferingItemJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : ValidityJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : BundledProductOfferingDependencyJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : BundledProductOfferingTransitionJXB
Type: object
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Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
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Nested Schema : ChargeOfferingJXB
Type: object
Refers to the charge offer pricing object.
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  • Allowed Values: [ "ORIGINAL", "REMAINING" ]
    Specifies how a charge offer is applied on a chargable quantity. This can be REMAINING or ORIGINAL based on the type of charge offer.
  • Title: change set name
    Refers to the name of the change set of the charge offer.
  • chargeEventMap
  • created date
    Title: created date
    Refers to the date and time the object was created.
  • Title: created user
    Refers to the user that created the object.
  • Title: current state name
    Refers to the name of current state of the charge offer.
  • Title: (required*) customer specification name
    Refers to the tag used for Account as a service. One of the fields customerSpecName and productSpecName are required and they are mutually exclusive.
    Sets the impact type when balance impacts are added with new date ranges to an existing charge offer. It specifies whether the existing subscriptions move to the new balance impact or continue with the old balance impact.
  • deliverable
  • Title: description
    Describes the charge offer.
  • Title: expiry notification
    Triggers notifications to be sent to the customer when the charge offer is about to expire. The default value is true>/b>.
  • Title: External id of charge offer.
    Refers to the object's external ID. It is used to create cross references, in case of migration.
  • Title: group sharing enable/disable
    Enables the charge offer to be shared with all members of a product sharing group when purchased by the group's owner. The default value is false.
  • Title: internal id
    Refers to the Unique ID (UUID) internally generated by Pricing Design Center while the pricing configuration was committed.
  • last modified date
    Title: last modified date
    Refers to the date and time the object was modified.
  • Title: last modified user
    Refers to the user that modified the object.
  • Title: name
    The charge offer's name.
  • Title: new name
    Refers to the new name given to the already named charge offer.
  • Title: obsolete
    Obsoletes the promoted or active objects.
  • Allowed Values: [ "AGGREGATION", "ITEM", "SUBSCRIPTION", "SYSTEM" ]
    Refers to the type of the charge offer allowed. The default offer type is SUBSCRIPTION. Note that AGGREGATION is not a valid offerType for the charge offering.
  • Title: maximum no of charge offer can be owned
    Specifies the maximum number of charge offers that a customer can own at one time. The default value for this -1, which means that by default, it is unlimited.
  • Title: minimum no of charge offer can be owned
    Specifies the minimum number of charge offers that a customer can own at one time. The default value for this -1, which means that by default, it is unlimited.
  • Title: partial
    Enables partial purchases.
  • Title: policy specification
    Refers to policy specification for the charge offer. This is made up of one or more counter policies, each of which defines a gradation in the quality of service (QoS) based on the subscriber's service usage.
  • Title: price list name
    The name of the price list. By default, this is configured as Default. Keep the value as Default.
  • priceTag
  • Title: pricing profile name
    Determines which features are supported for the charge based on the charge category and charge type.
  • Title: priority
    Refers to the priority for the charge offer. A higher number is given to a higher priority. For example, if priority values are 1 and 2, then 2 would be given high priority.
  • productSpecCharacteristic
    Defines custom attributes and their valid values for a charge offer.
  • Title: (required*) product specification name
    Refers to the name of the service to which the charge offer applies. One of the fields customerSpecName and productSpecName are required and they are mutually exclusive.
  • Title: provisioning tag
    Refers to the provisioning tag for the charge offer. This is used to implement extended rating attributes (ERAs) such as call forwarding, blocking, and discount for select calls.
  • Title: purchase cycle day of month
    Refers to the day of the month for the purchase cycle. The product validity is aligned to the specific date or the billing date. The range is between 0 to 31 and the default is 0.
  • Title: purchase maximum
    Specifies the maximum number of charge offers that a customer can buy at one time. The default value for this -1, which means that by default, it is unlimited.
  • Title: purchase minimum
    Specifies the minimum number of charge offers that a customer can buy at one time. The default value for this -1, which means that by default, it is unlimited.
  • Title: maximum number of retry in total
    Refers to the maximum number of times the customer can retry the subscription before it fails. The default value is 0 implying no retries allowed. This is applicable when the credit limit is set as AUTO_RENEW_CANCEL, RENTAL_FAILURE, or INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE.
  • Title: subsequent retry frequency
    Refers to the frequency of subsequent retries. The default value is 1. This is applicable when the credit limit is set as AUTO_RENEW_CANCEL, RENTAL_FAILURE, or INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE.
  • Allowed Values: [ "DAY", "HOUR", "MINUTE", "MONTH", "SECOND", "WEEK", "YEAR" ]
    Refers to the retrial frequency's measurment unit. The default value is day. This is applicable when the credit limit is set as AUTO_RENEW_CANCEL, RENTAL_FAILURE, or INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE.
  • Allowed Values: [ "OFF", "ON" ]
    Specifies whether to calculate the scale based on validityRounding.
  • Title: subscription due notification
    Triggers notifications to be sent to the customer before the subscription is due for renewal. The default value is true.
  • Title: tax exemption selector id
    Refers to the tax exemption selector's ID.
  • Title: tax exemption selector name
    The name of the tax exemption selector.
  • Title: tax supplier
    Refers to the tax supplier's name for the charge offer.
  • Title: time range
    Refers to the time range during which the offer is available for purchase. The format is startingTime/endingTime where TimeFormat is yyyymmddThhmmss and default value is 0/inf.
  • Allowed Values: [ "NOT_SET", "OFF", "ON" ]
    Specifies whether to start the charge offer's validity period at the purchase time or at midnight of the purchase day. The default value is NOT_SET.
  • Title: charge offer version
    Refers to the Pricing Design Center version of the object.
Nested Schema : chargeEventMap
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : created date
Type: object
Title: created date
Refers to the date and time the object was created.
Nested Schema : deliverable
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : last modified date
Type: object
Title: last modified date
Refers to the date and time the object was modified.
Nested Schema : priceTag
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : productSpecCharacteristic
Type: array
Defines custom attributes and their valid values for a charge offer.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChargeEventMapJXB
Type: object
Show Source
  • ChargeRatePlanInfoJXB
    Indicates to which rating engine(s) the charge rate plan is published.
  • Title: (required*) charge rate plan name
    Refers to the name of the charge configuration inside the charge offer at a granular and more detailed level. One of the fields chargeRatePlanSelectorName, chargeRatePlanName, or rolloverRatePlanName are required and they are mutually exclusive.
  • Title: (required*) charge rate plan selector name
    Refers to the charge selector's name. One of the fields chargeRatePlanSelectorName, chargeRatePlanName, or rolloverRatePlanName are required and they are mutually exclusive..
  • Title: charge event description
    Describes the charge event map configured.
  • Title: charge event name
    Refers to the event's name.
  • Title: rum round increment quantity
    Refers to the incremental value to round the RUM quantity to. The RUM quantity is always rounded to an integral multiple of the Incremental Quantity. For example, if the Increment Quantity is configured as 30 for a RUM of seconds, then the amount to rate will be rounded to that increment (see roundingMode) and a 43 second call will be rated as 60 seconds (if rounding up) or 30 seconds (if rounding down).
  • Title: rum round increment quantity unit
    Refers to the units that increment quantity is specified in. Possible values are .
  • Title: rum min round quantity
    Refers to the minimum value that the RUM quantity is rounded to. The minimum quantity starts from 0 by default.
  • Title: rum min quantity unit
    Refers to the unit in which the minimum quantity is expressed. Possible values are none, second, minute, hour, day.
    Specifies how to apply cycle fee or rollover when a customer makes changes to subscription in the middle of the billing cycle.
    Specifies how to apply cycle fee or rollover when a customer makes changes to subscription in the middle of the billing cycle.
    Specifies how to apply cycle fee or rollover when a customer makes changes to subscription in the middle of the billing cycle.
  • Title: rate plan id
    The charge rate plan's ID generated internally by the PDC system for the charge event map.
  • Title: rate plan selector id
    The charge selector's ID generated internally by the PDC system for the charge event map.
  • Title: (required*) rollover rate plan name
    Refers to the rollover rate plan's name. One of the fiels chargeRatePlanSelectorName, chargeRatePlanName, or rolloverRatePlanName are required and they are mutually exclusive.
  • Allowed Values: [ "DOWN", "DOWN_ALT", "EVEN", "FLOOR", "FLOOR_ALT", "NEAREST", "UP" ]
    Specifies how a RUM quantity is rounded.
  • Title: rum name
    The name of the RUM. RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement.
  • Allowed Values: [ "ACCOUNT", "EVENT", "SERVER" ]
    Determines the time zone used to rate an event.
  • Title: charge valid if canceled
    Specifies to charge even if the instantiated product offering status is canceled. The default value is true.
  • Title: charge valid if inactive
    Specifies to charge even if the instantiated product offering status is inactive. The default value is true.
  • Title: charge valid if suspended active
    Specifies to charge even if the instantiated product offering status is suspended but active. The default value is true.
Nested Schema : ChargeRatePlanInfoJXB
Type: object
Indicates to which rating engine(s) the charge rate plan is published.
Show Source
Nested Schema : charge rate plan target engine
Type: array
Title: charge rate plan target engine
Refers to the target engine where the information about the charge offer is to be published.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChargeOfferDeliverableJXB
Type: object
Refers to a deliverable used by a charge offering. Deliverables specify when and how much revenue can a customer's purchase of the products and services recognise.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChargeRatePlanJXB
Type: object
Refers to the charge rate plan pricing object.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "CONTINUOUS", "ISOLATED" ]
    Indicates if the applicable quantity should be treated continuous or isolated.
  • Allowed Values: [ "ORIGINAL", "REMAINING" ]
    Specifies how a charge offer is applied on a chargable quantity. This can be REMAINING or ORIGINAL based on the type of charge offer.
  • (required*) applicable rum
    Title: (required*) applicable rum
    You use RUMs to measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • applicable rums
    Title: applicable rums
    Displays the RUMs used in the charge. RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement. For example, occurence, duration.
  • Title: bill offset
    Specifies the offset (number of days or months) to bill in advance.
  • Title: change set name
    The name of the change set of the charge rate plan.
  • creation date
    Title: creation date
    Refers to the date and time the object was created.
  • Title: creator
    Refers to the user that created the object.
  • (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Refers to the container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • CompositePopModelRPEJXB
    Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
  • (required*) crp date range
    Title: (required*) crp date range
    Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp relative date range
    Title: (required*) crp relative date range
    Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • Title: current state name
    The name of the current state of the charge rate plan.
  • Title: cycle fee flag
    Specifies how to align recurring charges. '0' for billing date, '1' puchase date.
  • Title: description
    Describes the charge rate plan.
  • (required*) enhanced zone model
    Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
    A special capability that enables the user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • Title: event name
    Refers to the name of the event. For example, EventDelayedSessionTelcoGsm (/event/delayed/session/telco/gsm in BRM) is used for usage events, while EventBillingProductFeeCycleCycle_forward_monthly (/event/billing/product/fee/cycle/cycle_forward_monthly) represents a monthly recurring fee (in-advance).
  • (required*) generic selector
    Title: (required*) generic selector
    Refers to a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is used in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • Title: internal id
    The unique ID (UUID) internally generated by Pricing Design Center while the pricing configuration is commited.
  • modification date
    Title: modification date
    Refers to the date and time the object was modified.
  • Title: modifier
    Refers to the user that modified the object.
  • Title: name
    The name of the charge rate plan.
  • Title: new name
    The new name given to the already named charge rate plan.
  • Title: obsolete
    Obsoletes the promoted or active objects.
  • Allowed Values: [ "DAYS", "MONTHS" ]
    Specifies the offset unit (days or months) to bill in advance.
  • Title: permitted name
    Refers to the service to which the charge applies.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CUSTOMER", "PRODUCT" ]
    Specifies whether it is a product or a customer type.
  • Title: price list name
    Name of the price list. By default, this is configured as Default. Keep the value as Default.
  • Title: pricing profile name
    Name of the pricing profile. It determines the features supported for the charge based on the charge category and charge type.
  • ARatePlanElementJXB
  • (required*) subscriber currency
    Title: (required*) subscriber currency
    Refers the currency details of the subscription. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • Title: tax code
    The tax code used for the charge. You can use either this parameter or TaxSelectorGroup (name, id), however, you cannot use both at the same time.
  • Title: tax selector id
    Refers to the tax selector's ID. The TaxSelectorGroup tag represents the tax selector information for the charge. You can use either TaxSelector or TaxCode, however, you cannot use both at the same time.
  • Title: tax selector name
    The name of the tax selector. The TaxSelectorGroup tag represents the tax selector information for the charge. You can use either TaxSelector or TaxCode, however, you cannot use both at the same time.
    Refers to the time when the charge is taxed.
  • (required*) time configuration
    Title: (required*) time configuration
    Specifies the time model configuration. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • Allowed Values: [ "END_TIME", "START_TIME", "TIMED" ]
    The Time Of the Day Mode. Indicates if events should be rated using startTime, endTime, or split to use both.
  • Title: pdc version
    Refers to the Pricing Design Center version of the object.
  • (required*) zone model
    Title: (required*) zone model
    Refers to the Zone model rate plan. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
You use RUMs to measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : applicable rums
Type: array
Title: applicable rums
Displays the RUMs used in the charge. RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement. For example, occurence, duration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : creation date
Type: object
Title: creation date
Refers to the date and time the object was created.
Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Refers to the container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp relative date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp relative date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
A special capability that enables the user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : (required*) generic selector
Type: array
Title: (required*) generic selector
Refers to a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is used in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : modification date
Type: object
Title: modification date
Refers to the date and time the object was modified.
Nested Schema : ARatePlanElementJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) subscriber currency
Refers the currency details of the subscription. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
Refers to the Zone model rate plan. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. This is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : applicable rum rate plan branch
Type: object
Title: applicable rum rate plan branch
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events.
Show Source
  • (required*) applicable rum
    Title: (required*) applicable rum
    RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • applicable rum name
    Title: applicable rum name
    RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating. You define RUMs when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it.
  • (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • CompositePopModelRPEJXB
    Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
  • (required*) crp date range
    Title: (required*) crp date range
    Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp release date range
    Title: (required*) crp release date range
    Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) enhanced zone model
    Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
    A special capability that enables the user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) generic selector
    Title: (required*) generic selector
    A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • Title: increment quantity
    The incremental value that the RUM quantity is rounded to. RUM quantity is always rounded to an integral multiple of the increment quantity.
  • Allowed Values: [ "BYTE", "DAY", "GIGABYTE", "HOUR", "KILOBYTE", "MEGABYTE", "MINUTE", "MONTH", "NONE", "SECOND" ]
    Measures the RUM quantity.
  • Title: min quantity
    The minimum value that the RUM quantity is rounded to. A value smaller than min_quantity is rounded to min_quantity.
  • Allowed Values: [ "BYTE", "DAY", "GIGABYTE", "HOUR", "KILOBYTE", "MEGABYTE", "MINUTE", "MONTH", "NONE", "SECOND" ]
    Measures the RUM quantity.
  • Allowed Values: [ "DOWN", "DOWN_ALT", "EVEN", "FLOOR", "FLOOR_ALT", "NEAREST", "UP" ]
    Specifies how a RUM quantity is rounded.
  • (required*) subscriber currency
    Title: (required*) subscriber currency
    The currency details of the subscription. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) time configuration
    Title: (required*) time configuration
    Specifies the time model configuration. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) zone model
    Title: (required*) zone model
    A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : applicable rum name
Type: array
Title: applicable rum name
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating. You define RUMs when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp release date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp release date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
A special capability that enables the user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : (required*) generic selector
Type: array
Title: (required*) generic selector
A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : (required*) subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) subscriber currency
The currency details of the subscription. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is required and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : charge rate attribute analyzer rate plan element
Type: object
Title: charge rate attribute analyzer rate plan element
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes.
Show Source
  • Title: attribute analyzer model name
    The attribute analyzer model's name.
    Specifies the type of selector.
Nested Schema : charge rate date range
Type: object
Title: charge rate date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CR absolute date range
Type: object
Title: CR absolute date range
A container that defines the effective date range for a fixed period.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : crpDateRange
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : crpRelDateRange
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : genericSelector
Type: array
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : (required*) subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) subscriber currency
The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : charge rate release date range
Type: object
Title: charge rate release date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan.
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  • CR absolute date range
    Title: CR absolute date range
    A container that defines the effective date range for a fixed period.
  • (required*) applicable rum
    Title: (required*) applicable rum
    RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • CompositePopModelRPEJXB
    Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
  • (required*) crp date range
    Title: (required*) crp date range
    Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp release date range
    Title: (required*) crp release date range
    Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) enhanced zone model
    Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) generic selector
    Title: (required*) generic selector
    A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • relative date range
    Title: relative date range
    A container that defines a relative date range for a product purchase.
  • (required*) subscriber currency
    Title: (required*) subscriber currency
    The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) time configuration
    Title: (required*) time configuration
    Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) zone model
    Title: (required*) zone model
    A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp release date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp release date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : (required*) generic selector
Type: array
Title: (required*) generic selector
A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : relative date range
Type: object
Title: relative date range
A container that defines a relative date range for a product purchase.
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Nested Schema : (required*) subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) subscriber currency
The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : enhanced zone RPE
Type: object
Title: enhanced zone RPE
A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
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Nested Schema : zone results
Type: array
Title: zone results
Dscribes the impact category for zones.
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  • zone results
    Title: zone results
    Describes the impact category for zones. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : zone results
Type: object
Title: zone results
Describes the impact category for zones. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • (required*) applicable rum
    Title: (required*) applicable rum
    RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • CompositePopModelRPEJXB
    Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
  • (required*) crp date range
    Title: (required*) crp date range
    Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp release date range
    Title: (required*) crp release date range
    Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) enhanced zone model
    Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) generic selector
    Title: (required*) generic selector
    A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • zone results name
    Title: zone results name
    Name of the zone results.
  • (required*) subscriber currency
    Title: (required*) subscriber currency
    The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) time configuration
    Title: (required*) time configuration
    Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) zone model
    Title: (required*) zone model
    A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp release date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp release date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : (required*) generic selector
Type: array
Title: (required*) generic selector
A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : zone results name
Type: array
Title: zone results name
Name of the zone results.
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Nested Schema : (required*) subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) subscriber currency
The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : generic selector rate plan element
Type: object
Title: generic selector rate plan element
A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
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Nested Schema : attribute analyzer results
Type: array
Title: attribute analyzer results
The branch of the generic selectors. It contains the list of results based on the values of specified event attributes, service attributes, or custom rules.
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  • attribute analyzer results
    Title: attribute analyzer results
    Branch of the Generic Selectors. Contains the list of result based on the values of specified event attributes, service attributes, or custom rules.
Nested Schema : attribute analyzer results
Type: object
Title: attribute analyzer results
Branch of the Generic Selectors. Contains the list of result based on the values of specified event attributes, service attributes, or custom rules.
Show Source
  • (required*) applicable rum
    Title: (required*) applicable rum
    RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • CompositePopModelRPEJXB
    Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
  • (required*) crp date range
    Title: (required*) crp date range
    Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp release date range
    Title: (required*) crp release date range
    Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) enhanced zone model
    Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) generic selector
    Title: (required*) generic selector
    A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • name
    Title: name
    The attribute analyzer result's name.
  • (required*) subscriber currency
    Title: (required*) subscriber currency
    The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) time configuration
    Title: (required*) time configuration
    Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) zone model
    Title: (required*) zone model
    A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) crp date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp release date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp release date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : (required*) generic selector
Type: array
Title: (required*) generic selector
A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : name
Type: array
Title: name
The attribute analyzer result's name.
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Nested Schema : (required*) subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) subscriber currency
The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : charge rate subscriber currency
Type: object
Title: charge rate subscriber currency
The currency details of the subscription.
Show Source
  • (required*) applicable rum
    Title: (required*) applicable rum
    RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating. You define RUMs when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • CompositePopModelRPEJXB
    Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
  • (required*) crp date range
    Title: (required*) crp date range
    Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp release date range
    Title: (required*) crp release date range
    Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • currency code
    Title: currency code
    The three letter ISO code for currency.
  • (required*) enhanced zone model
    Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
    It is a special capability that enables the user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) generic selector
    Title: (required*) generic selector
    A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is used in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) charge rate subscriber currency
    Title: (required*) charge rate subscriber currency
    The subscription's currency details. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) time configuration
    Title: (required*) time configuration
    Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) zone model
    Title: (required*) zone model
    A are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating. You define RUMs when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
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Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp release date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp release date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : currency code
Type: array
Title: currency code
The three letter ISO code for currency.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
It is a special capability that enables the user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : (required*) generic selector
Type: array
Title: (required*) generic selector
A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. It is used in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : (required*) charge rate subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) charge rate subscriber currency
The subscription's currency details. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
A are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : charge rate time rate plan element
Type: object
Title: charge rate time rate plan element
Specifies the time model configuration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : time tags
Type: array
Title: time tags
Specifies the time tags.
Show Source
Nested Schema : time tags
Type: object
Title: time tags
Specifies the time tags.
Show Source
  • (required*) applicable rum
    Title: (required*) applicable rum
    RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating. You define RUMs when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
    A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • CompositePopModelRPEJXB
    Refers to the generic product offering price model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type.
  • (required*) crp date range
    Title: (required*) crp date range
    Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) crp release date range
    Title: (required*) crp release date range
    Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) enhanced zone model
    Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) generic selector
    Title: (required*) generic selector
    A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • time tag name
    Title: time tag name
    The time tag's name.
  • (required*) subscriber currency
    Title: (required*) subscriber currency
    The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) time configuration
    Title: (required*) time configuration
    Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
  • (required*) zone model
    Title: (required*) zone model
    A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : (required*) applicable rum
Type: array
Title: (required*) applicable rum
RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating. You define RUMs when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp attribute analyzer model
A container object used for modeling expressions based on event, product and customer attributes. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp date range
Describes the date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) crp release date range
Type: array
Title: (required*) crp release date range
Describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) enhanced zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) enhanced zone model
A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • enhanced zone RPE
    Title: enhanced zone RPE
    A special capability that enables user to use zone models, USC selectors, and Access Point Name (APN) selectors when configuring a charge.
Nested Schema : (required*) generic selector
Type: array
Title: (required*) generic selector
A set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • generic selector rate plan element
    Title: generic selector rate plan element
    A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results.
Nested Schema : time tag name
Type: array
Title: time tag name
The time tag's name.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) subscriber currency
Type: array
Title: (required*) subscriber currency
The currency details of the subscription. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) time configuration
Type: array
Title: (required*) time configuration
Specifies the time model configuration. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
Nested Schema : (required*) zone model
Type: array
Title: (required*) zone model
A set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Show Source
  • zone model RPE
    Title: zone model RPE
    Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Nested Schema : zone model RPE
Type: object
Title: zone model RPE
Zone model rate plan element. Zone models are a set of time zones, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. It is used to charge different prices based on customer's time zone.
Show Source
Nested Schema : zone results
Type: array
Title: zone results
Describes the impact category for zones.
Show Source
  • zone results
    Title: zone results
    Describes the impact category for zones. It is a required field and has to be one of subscriberCurrency, applicableRum, genericSelector, crpDateRange, crpRelDateRange, crpAttributeAnalyzerModel, zoneModel, enhancedZoneModel, crpCompositePopModel, or timeConfiguration.
Nested Schema : ChargeSelectorSpecJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : balanceElementNumCode
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : chargeRatePlanName
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : eventConditions
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : glid
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : priceModelName
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : rumName
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : timeModelName
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : zoneModelName
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChargeSelectorEventConditionJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DistributionOfferingJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : distributionEventMap
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : productSpecCharacteristic
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : DistributionEventMapJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DistributionRatePlanJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : distributionConfiguration
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : drpDateRange
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : DistributionRPEBranchJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : chargeSelectorSpecName
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : distributionConfiguration
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : drpDateRange
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : DistributionDateRangeRPEBranchJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : distributionConfiguration
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : drpDateRange
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PackageJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : balanceSpecification
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : CustomerSpecPackageItemJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : productSpecCharacteristic
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : productSpecPackageItem
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : BalanceSpecificationJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : balanceElementSpecification
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : BalanceElementSpecificationJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : BalanceCreditProfileJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : thresholdLevel
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ThresholdLevelJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : BundledProductOfferingAssociationJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProductSpecPackageItemJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : bundledProductOfferingAssociation
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : subPackageItem
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PackageExclusionJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PackageListJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : packageName
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PackageTransitionJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : PriceModelJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : RolloverRatePlanJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : RolloverRateDateRangeJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : SubscriptionTermsJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : SubscriptionTermsAutoRenewJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : TimeModelJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : validityPeriod
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : TimeModelValidityPeriodJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : timeModelTag
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : TimeModelTagJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : timeSpecification
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : TimeSpecJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DaysOfWeekJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : MonthsOfYearJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : day
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : month
Type: array
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "APR", "AUG", "DEC", "FEB", "JAN", "JUL", "JUN", "MAR", "MAY", "NOV", "OCT", "SEP" ]
Nested Schema : TriggerSpecJXB
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : chargeTriggerExpressionOrQuantityTriggerExpressionOrBalanceTriggerExpression
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : createdDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : lastModifiedDate
Type: object
Nested Schema : publishSchemas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ATriggerExpressionJXB
Type: object
Show Source
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200 Response

The pricing objects were updated successfully.

400 Response

The JSON payload isn't valid.

500 Response

An internal server error occurred.
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This example shows how to edit a chargeshare offer by submitting a PUT request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see "Use cURL".

The -d option specifies the file to attach as the request body.

curl -X PUT "http://hostname:port/pdc/pricing" -d @file.json

Example of Request Body

The following is an example of the contents of file.json sent as the request body:

   "distributionRatePlan": [
         "name": "chgShare",
         "description": "Edited Distributed rate plan",
         "pricingProfileName": "Subscription ChargeSharing",
         "priceListName": "Default",
         "drpDateRange": [
               "startDate": "0",
               "endDate": "inf",
               "distributionConfiguration": [
                     "drpCompositePopModel": {
                        "name": "Pricing",
                        "alterationPopModel": {
                           "priceTier": {
                              "distributionMethod": "FROM_BAL_IMPACT",
                                 "tierBasis": {
                                    "chargeTierExpression": {}
                                 "lowerBound": {
                                    "numberTBExpression": {
                                       "value": "0"
                                 "tierRange": [
                                       "upperBound": {
                                          "numberTBExpression": {
                                             "value": "NO_MAX"
                                    "percentAlteration": [
                                          "price": 0.0,
                                          "unitOfMeasure": "NONE",
                                          "balanceElementNumCode": 840,
                                          "alterationAppliesTo": "USER",
                                          "alterationBasedOn": {
                                             "chargeBasisExpression": {}
                                          "priceType": "GRANT",
                                          "priceValidity": {
                                             "startValidityMode": "IMMEDIATE",
                                             "endValidityMode": "NEVER",
                                             "validityRange": "0/inf",
                                             "relativeStartOffset": -1,
                                             "relativeEndOffset": -1
   "distributionOffering": [
         "name": "sampleCSO",
         "description": "Edited Distributed offer",
         "pricingProfileName": "Product Offering",
         "priceListName": "Default",
         "timeRange": "0/inf",
         "productSpecName": "TelcoGsmTelephony",
         "distributionEventMap": [
               "eventName": "EventBillingProductFeeCycleCycle_forward_monthly",
               "distributionRatePlanInfo": {
                  "targetEngine": [
               "distributionRatePlanName": "chgShare",
               "ratePlanIID": "86148b63-4b14-4a47-ab80-7bdd4509c6a7"

Example of Response Body

If successful, the 200 response code is returned with no response body.

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