Get a Payment Method by ID



Gets the specified payment method.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The payment method was returned successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : PaymentMethodType
Type: object
A payment method.
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Nested Schema : account
Type: array
An account that owns or can use the payment method.
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Nested Schema : details
Type: object
The payment method's details, which differ based on the '@type' property.
Nested Schema : relatedParty
Type: array
The related party that owns the payment method.
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Nested Schema : TimePeriodType
Type: object
A period of time.
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Nested Schema : AccountRefType
Type: object
An account reference.
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Nested Schema : RelatedPartyRefType
Type: object
A related party.
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400 Response

Invalid Token

401 Response


403 Response


404 Response

Not Found

405 Response

Method not Allowed

500 Response

Internal Server Error
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The following example shows how to get the payment method with the specified ID by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X GET 'http://host:port/brm/paymentMethods/version/paymentMethod/'

Example of the Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format.

    "id": "",
    "href": "http://host:port/brm/paymentMethods/version/paymentMethod/",
    "name": "Mary Robbin's Direct Debit Account",
    "description": null,
    "validFor": null,
    "account": [
            "id": "",
            "href": null,
            "description": "Mary's primary account",
            "name": "Mary Robbins",
            "@baseType": null,
            "@schemaLocation": null,
            "@type": null,
            "@referredType": null
    "preferred": true,
    "relatedParty": null,
    "@type": "bankAccountDebit",
    "authorizationCode": null,
    "status": null,
    "statusDate": null,
    "details": {
        "accountNumber": "12341234123412341",
        "accountNumberType": "Savings",
        "BIC": "111122334",
        "owner": "Mary Robbins",
        "bank": "My Bank"
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