Get Usage



Gets the usage resource that matches the specified query criteria.


Query Parameters
  • The type of object to return.
    Use @type=Usage for a base object, or @type=UsageOracle for an extended object.
  • Retrieves the usage whose description matches the specified description.
    description=Cycle Forward Fees (srvc):Standard GSM Telephony
  • Retrieves the usage whose description is similar to the specified description.
    Example: Forward Fees (srvc):Standard GSM Telephony
  • The list of fields to return in the response.
  • The ID of the usage to get.
  • The maximum number of results to return.
    Use limit=10 to return the first 10 results only.
  • The number of results to offset the response by.
    Use offset=10 to return results 10 and higher.
  • Retrieves the usage with a date that is equal to the specified dateTime.
  • Retrieves the usage with a date that is greater than the specified dateTime.
  • Retrieves the usage with a date that is greater than or equal to the specified dateTime.
  • Retrieves the usage whose date is less than the specified dateTime.
  • Retrieves the usage with a date that is less than or equal to the specified dateTime.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The usage was returned successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Usage
Type: object
Title: Usage
A instance of usage.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ratedProductUsage
Type: array
The usage's rating details.
Show Source
Nested Schema : relatedParty
Type: array
The parties related to the usage.
Show Source
Nested Schema : usageCharacteristic
Type: array
The usage's characteristics.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Usage Specification Ref
Type: object
Title: Usage Specification Ref
A usage specification reference.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Rated Product Usage
Type: object
Title: Rated Product Usage
An instance of rated usage.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Money
Type: object
A base / value business entity used to represent money.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Product Ref
Type: object
Title: Product Ref
A reference to a product.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Related Party
Type: object
Title: Related Party
A party related to another object.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Usage Characteristic
Type: object
Title: Usage Characteristic
A characteristic of usage.
Show Source
Nested Schema : characteristicRelationship
Type: array
The characteristic's relationships.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Any
Type: object
Nested Schema : CharacteristicRelationship
Type: object
A related characteristic.
Show Source

400 Response

Request error

500 Response

Unexpected server error
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The following example shows how to get usage by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

The request uses the limit query parameter to limit the results.

curl -X GET 'http://host:port/brm/usageManagement/version/usage?limit=2'

Example of the Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format.

        "@baseType": "Usage",
        "@schemaLocation": null,
        "@type": "Usage",
        "id": "",
        "href": "http://host:port/brm/usageManagement/version/usage/",
        "date": "2020-08-14T00:00:00-07:00",
        "type": "EventBillingProductFeeCycleCycle_forward_monthly",
        "status": "Rated",
        "usageSpecification": null,
        "usageCharacteristic": null,
        "relatedParty": null,
        "ratedProductUsage": [
                "@baseType": null,
                "@schemaLocation": null,
                "@type": null,
                "ratingDate": "2020-08-14T00:00:00-07:00",
                "usageRatingTag": "Rate 1",
                "isBilled": null,
                "ratingAmountType": null,
                "taxExcludedAmount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 20.0
                "taxIncludedAmount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 20.0
                "taxRate": 0.0,
                "isTaxExempt": null,
                "offerTariffType": null,
                "bucketValueConvertedInAmount": null,
                "productRef": null
        "@baseType": "Usage",
        "@schemaLocation": null,
        "@type": "Usage",
        "id": "",
        "href": "http://host:port/brm/usageManagement/version/usage/",
        "date": "2020-09-14T00:00:00-07:00",
        "type": "EventBillingProductFeeCycleCycle_forward_monthly",
        "status": "Rated",
        "usageSpecification": null,
        "usageCharacteristic": null,
        "relatedParty": null,
        "ratedProductUsage": [
                "ratingDate": "2020-09-14T00:00:00-07:00",
                "usageRatingTag": "Rate 1",
                "isBilled": null,
                "ratingAmountType": null,
                "taxExcludedAmount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 40.0
                "taxIncludedAmount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 40.0
                "taxRate": 0.0,
                "isTaxExempt": null,
                "offerTariffType": null,
                "bucketValueConvertedInAmount": null,
                "productRef": null
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