statusNotification Callback




There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
The status of the spending limit control subscription.
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Nested Schema : statusInfos
Type: object
Minimum Number of Properties: 1
Additional Properties Allowed
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The status of the requested policy counters. The key of the map is the policyCounterId attribute.
Nested Schema : PolicyCounterInfo
Type: object
Information about a policy counter.
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Nested Schema : penPolCounterStatuses
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
The status of the pending policy counter.
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Nested Schema : PendingPolicyCounterStatus
Type: object
The status of the pending policy counter.
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Supported Media Types

204 Response

The notification was created succesfully.

400 Response

The request isn't valid.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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401 Response

The client doesn't have the correct privileges.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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403 Response

The request wasn't authorized.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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404 Response

The requested resource wasn't found.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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411 Response

The content's length is missing from the request.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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413 Response

The request is too large for the server to process.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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415 Response

The media type isn't supported.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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429 Response

The client has sent too many requests at once.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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500 Response

An internal server error occurred.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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503 Response

The server is overloaded or down for maintenance.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
An error.
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