Quick Start

Set up your environment and then use the ECE REST API to make your first API call by performing these tasks:


Prerequisite More Information
Install ECE "Installing Elastic Charging Engine" in ECE Installation Guide
Integrate your 5G Network with ECE through the HTTP Gateway "Connecting ECE to a 5G Client" in ECE Implementing Charging
Install cURL Use cURL

Send a Request

After you set up your REST client, you can send a request to ensure that your connection works. For example, to retrieve all usage consumption objects, you can use the following request:

curl -X GET apiRoot/queryUsageConsumption -H "accept: */*"

where apiRoot is for accessing the HTTP Gateway server at either http://hostname:httpPort or https://hostname:httpsPort.

If the request is successful, you should receive response code 200 along with a response body similar to the following:

      "id": "7ce174e0-b00e-41ff-a593-df4cf00af999",
      "href": "apiroot/queryUsageConsumption/7ce174e0-b00e-41ff-a593-df4cf00af999",
      "queryUsageConsumptionDate": "2022-07-12T10:06:55.776+05:30",
      "partyAccount": [
            "id": "6500000427",
            "name": "string",
            "status": "string"
      "usageConsumption": [
            "creationDate": "2022-07-12T10:06:55.78+05:30",
            "bucketRefOrValue": [
                  "id": "840",
                  "remainingValueName": "-10000.0 USD",
                  "logicalResource": [
                        "id": "6500000427"
                  "partyAccount": {
                     "id": "6500000427"
                  "remainingValue": {
                     "amount": -10000,
                     "units": "840"
            "state": "done"
      "id": "afe2066d-e09a-4a02-9eb8-e3511e3ada0f",
      "href": "apiroot/queryUsageConsumption/afe2066d-e09a-4a02-9eb8-e3511e3ada0f",
      "queryUsageConsumptionDate": "2022-07-12T10:06:44.847+05:30",
      "partyAccount": [
        "id": "6500000427",
        "name": "string",
        "status": "string"
    "usageConsumption": [
        "creationDate": "2022-07-12T10:06:44.869+05:30",
        "bucketRefOrValue": [
            "id": "840",
            "remainingValueName": "-10000.0 USD",
            "logicalResource": [
                "id": "6500000427"
            "partyAccount": {
              "id": "6500000427"
            "remainingValue": {
              "amount": -10000,
              "units": "840"
        "state": "done"