Create a Product Offering



Creates a product offering with the given name in promoted state.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : ProductOfferingOracle
Type: object
Title: ProductOfferingOracle
Match All
Show Source
  • Discriminator: @type
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"@type", "mapping":{ "ProductOffering":"#/components/schemas/ProductOffering", "ProductOfferingOracle":"#/components/schemas/ProductOfferingOracle" } }
    Represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog. This resource includes pricing information.
  • Discriminator: @type
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"@type", "mapping":{ "ProductOfferingOracle":"#/components/schemas/ProductOfferingOracle" } }
Nested Schema : Discriminator: @type
Type: object
Discriminator: @type

Discriminator Values

Represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog. This resource includes pricing information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Discriminator: @type
Type: object
Discriminator: @type

Discriminator Values

Show Source
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Supported Media Types

201 Response

The product offering was created successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : ProductOfferingOracle
Type: object
Title: ProductOfferingOracle
Match All
Show Source
  • Discriminator: @type
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"@type", "mapping":{ "ProductOffering":"#/components/schemas/ProductOffering", "ProductOfferingOracle":"#/components/schemas/ProductOfferingOracle" } }
    Represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog. This resource includes pricing information.
  • Discriminator: @type
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"@type", "mapping":{ "ProductOfferingOracle":"#/components/schemas/ProductOfferingOracle" } }
Nested Schema : Discriminator: @type
Type: object
Discriminator: @type

Discriminator Values

Represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the catalog. This resource includes pricing information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Discriminator: @type
Type: object
Discriminator: @type

Discriminator Values

Show Source

400 Response

The server cannot process the request due to a client error.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
Show Source

401 Response

The user's authentication credentials for the target resource are invalid.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
Show Source

404 Response

The requested resource was not found, but it could be accessible in the future. Subsequent client requests are permitted.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
Show Source

405 Response

The requested resource does not support the particular request method.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
Show Source

500 Response

When an unexpected condition is identified and no specific message is appropriate, this generic error message is displayed.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
Show Source
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The following example shows how to create a product offering using a charge offering with a one time charge of $100 as an example by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

The -d option specifies the file to attach as the request body.

curl -X POST 'http://host:port/productCatalogManagement/v4/productOffering' -d @sampleProductOffering.json

Example of Request Body

The following is an example of the contents of the sampleProductOffering.json file sent as the request body.

    "@baseType": "ProductOffering",
    "@type": "ProductOfferingOracle",
    "description": "OnetimeOffer",
    "href": "/productCatalogManagement/v4/productOffering/OnetimeOffer",
    "id": "OnetimeOfferRef",
    "isBundle": false,
    "isSellable": false,
    "lastUpdate": "2023-03-28T23:56:21Z",
    "lifecycleStatus": "Active",
    "name": "OnetimeOfferRef",
    "productOfferingPrice": [
            "@type": "ProductOfferingPriceRefOracle",
            "href": "/productCatalogManagement/v4/productOfferingPrice/OnetimeOfferPop",
            "id": "OnetimeOfferPop",
            "name": "OnetimeOfferPop",
            "eventCandidate": {
                "name": "EventBillingProductFeePurchase"
    "serviceCandidate": {
        "@referredType": "ServiceCandidate",
        "@type": "ServiceCandidateRef",
        "id": "TelcoGsm",
        "name": "TelcoGsm"
    "version": "1.0"

Example of Response Body

The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "@baseType": "ProductOffering",
    "@type": "ProductOfferingOracle",
    "description": "OnetimeOffer",
    "href": "/productCatalogManagement/v4/productOffering/OnetimeOffer",
    "id": "OnetimeOfferRef",
    "isBundle": false,
    "isSellable": false,
    "lastUpdate": "2023-03-28T23:56:21Z",
    "lifecycleStatus": "Active",
    "name": "OnetimeOfferRef",
    "productOfferingPrice": [
            "@type": "ProductOfferingPriceRefOracle",
            "href": "/productCatalogManagement/v4/productOfferingPrice/OnetimeOfferPop",
            "id": "OnetimeOfferPop",
            "name": "OnetimeOfferPop",
            "eventCandidate": {
                "name": "EventBillingProductFeePurchase"
    "serviceCandidate": {
        "@referredType": "ServiceCandidate",
        "@type": "ServiceCandidateRef",
        "id": "TelcoGsm",
        "name": "TelcoGsm"
    "version": "1.0"
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