Get Product Specifications



Returns a list of the product specification objects.


Query Parameters
  • Specifies the attributes that need to be returned inside the resource item.
  • Restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count, the framework will return the available resources.
  • The starting index for the resources have to be provided in response requested by client.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The list of product specification objects are returned successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
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  • ProductSpecification
    Describes a tangible or intangible object made available externally in the form of a product offering to customers or other parties playing a party role.
Nested Schema : ProductSpecification
Type: object
Describes a tangible or intangible object made available externally in the form of a product offering to customers or other parties playing a party role.
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Nested Schema : bundledProductSpecification
Type: array
A type of product specification that belongs to a grouping of product specifications made available to the market.
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Nested Schema : productSpecCharacteristic
Type: array
A characteristic quality or distinctive feature of a product specification. The characteristic can be take on a discrete value, such as color, and can take on a range of values. (For example, sensitivity of 100-240 mV), or can be derived from a formula (for example, usage time (hrs) = 30 - talk time *3). Certain characteristics, such as color, may be configured during the ordering or other other processes.
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  • ProductSpecificationCharacteristic
    A characteristic quality or distinctive feature of a product specification. The characteristic can be take on a discrete value, such as color, a range of values, (for example, sensitivity of 100-240 mV), or can be derived from a formula (for example, usage time (hrs) = 30 - talk time *3). Certain characteristics, such as color, may be configured during ordering or other processes.
Nested Schema : productSpecificationRelationship
Type: array
A migration, substitution, dependency or exclusivity relationship between or among product specifications.
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Nested Schema : relatedParty
Type: array
Defines a party or party role linked to a specific entity.
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Nested Schema : resourceSpecification
Type: array
Required to realize a product specification.
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  • ResourceSpecificationRef
    Resources are physical or non-physical components (or some combination of these) within an enterprise's infrastructure or inventory. They are typically consumed or used by services (for example a physical port assigned to a service) or contribute to the realization of a Product (for example, a SIM card). They can be drawn from the Application, Computing and Network domains, and include, for example, Network Elements, software, IT systems, content and information, and technology components. A resource specification is an abstract base class for representing a generic means for implementing a particular type of resource. In essence, a resource specification defines the common attributes and relationships of a set of related resources, while resource defines a specific instance that is based on a particular resource specification.
Nested Schema : serviceSpecification
Type: array
Required to realize a product specification.
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Nested Schema : TargetProductSchema
Type: object
The reference object to the schema and type of target product which is described by product specification.
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Nested Schema : TimePeriod
Type: object
A period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only), a startDateTime only, or both.
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Nested Schema : BundledProductSpecification
Type: object
A type of product specification that belongs to a grouping of product specifications made available to the market.
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Nested Schema : ProductSpecificationCharacteristic
Type: object
A characteristic quality or distinctive feature of a product specification. The characteristic can be take on a discrete value, such as color, a range of values, (for example, sensitivity of 100-240 mV), or can be derived from a formula (for example, usage time (hrs) = 30 - talk time *3). Certain characteristics, such as color, may be configured during ordering or other processes.
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  • Defines the super-class while sub-classing.
  • A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.
  • Defines the sub-class extensible name while sub-classing.
  • An optional field that provides a link to the schema describing the value type.
  • Indicates if the target Characteristic is configurable (true) or not (false).
  • A brief description of the characteristic specification.
  • An indicator that specifies if the values for the characteristic can be extended by adding new values when instantiating a characteristic for a resource.
  • The unique ID for the characteristic.
  • An indicator that specifies if a value is unique for the specification. Possible values may be "unique while value is in effect" and "unique whether value is in effect or not"
  • The maximum number of instances a characteristic value can take on. For example, zero to five phone numbers in a group calling plan, where five is the value for the maxCardinality.
  • The minimum number of instances a characteristic value can take on. For example, zero to five phone numbers in a group calling plan, where zero is the value for the minCardinality.
  • A word, term, or phrase by which this characteristic specification is known and distinguished from other characteristic specifications.
  • productSpecCharacteristicValue
    Defines a set of attributes, each of which can be assigned to a corresponding set of attributes in a product specification characteristic object. The values of the attributes in the product specification characteristic value object describe the values of the attributes that a corresponding product specification characteristic object can take on.
  • productSpecCharRelationship
    An aggregation, migration, substitution, dependency or exclusivity relationship between or among specification characteristics.
  • A rule or principle represented in regular expression used to derive the value of a characteristic value.
  • TimePeriod
    A period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only), a startDateTime only, or both.
  • A kind of value that the characteristic can take on, such as numeric, text etc.
Nested Schema : productSpecCharacteristicValue
Type: array
Defines a set of attributes, each of which can be assigned to a corresponding set of attributes in a product specification characteristic object. The values of the attributes in the product specification characteristic value object describe the values of the attributes that a corresponding product specification characteristic object can take on.
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Nested Schema : productSpecCharRelationship
Type: array
An aggregation, migration, substitution, dependency or exclusivity relationship between or among specification characteristics.
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Nested Schema : CharacteristicValueSpecification
Type: object
The specification of a value (number, text or an object) that can be assigned to a characteristic.
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  • Defines the super-class while sub-classing.
  • A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.
  • Defines the sub-class Extensible name while sub-classing.
  • If true, the boolean Indicates if the value is the default value for a characteristic.
  • An indicator that specifies the inclusion or exclusion of the valueFrom and valueTo attributes. Possible values are "open", "closed", "closedBottom" and "closedTop".
  • A regular expression constraint for given value.
  • A determinate quantity or magnitude of the kind designated, taken as a standard of comparison for others of the same kind, in assigning to them numerical values, such as 1 foot, 1 yard, 1 mile, 1 square foot. Thie could be length, surface, volume, dry measure, liquid measure, money, weight, time etc.
  • TimePeriod
    A period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only), a startDateTime only, or both.
  • The low range value that a characteristic can take on.
  • The upper range value that a characteristic can take on.
  • A kind of value that the characteristic value can take on, such as numeric, text etc.
Nested Schema : ProductSpecificationCharacteristicRelationship
Type: object
An aggregation, migration, substitution, dependency or exclusivity relationship between/among product specification characteristics.
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  • Defines the super-class while sub-classing.
  • A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships.
  • Defines the sub-class extensible name while sub-classing.
  • The order in which a characteristic specification appears within another characteristic specification that defines a grouping of characteristic specifications. For example, a grouping may represent the name of an individual. The given name is first, the middle name is second, and the last name is third.
  • Refers to the hyperlink to the target product specification.
  • The identifier of the associated product specification.
  • Name of the target product specification characteristic.
  • Type of relationship such as aggregation, migration, substitution, dependency, exclusivity.
  • TimePeriod
    A period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only), a startDateTime only, or both.
Nested Schema : ProductSpecificationRelationship
Type: object
A migration, substitution, dependency or exclusivity relationship between or among product specifications.
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Nested Schema : RelatedParty
Type: object
Defines party or party role linked to a specific entity.
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Nested Schema : ResourceSpecificationRef
Type: object
Resources are physical or non-physical components (or some combination of these) within an enterprise's infrastructure or inventory. They are typically consumed or used by services (for example a physical port assigned to a service) or contribute to the realization of a Product (for example, a SIM card). They can be drawn from the Application, Computing and Network domains, and include, for example, Network Elements, software, IT systems, content and information, and technology components. A resource specification is an abstract base class for representing a generic means for implementing a particular type of resource. In essence, a resource specification defines the common attributes and relationships of a set of related resources, while resource defines a specific instance that is based on a particular resource specification.
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Nested Schema : ServiceSpecificationRef
Type: object
Contains the service specifications required to realize a product specification.
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400 Response

The server cannot process the request due to a client error.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
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401 Response

The user's authentication credentials for the target resource are invalid.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
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404 Response

The requested resource was not found, but it could be accessible in the future. Subsequent client requests are permitted.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
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405 Response

The requested resource does not support the particular request method.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
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500 Response

When an unexpected condition is identified and no specific message is appropriate, this generic error message is displayed.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Used when an API throws an error, typically with an HTTP error response-code.
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The following example shows how to get a list of product specifications by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X GET 'http://hostname:port/productCatalogManagement/v4/productSpecification/'


  • hostname is the URL for the PDC REST server.

  • port is the port for the PDC REST server.

Example of the Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format.

    "atType": "ProductSpecificationOracle",
    "href": "/productCatalogManagement/v4/productSpecification/Charge-offer-PSC-Template",
    "id": "Charge-offer-PSC-Template",
    "lastUpdate": "2023-06-05T15:29:23.136+05:30",
    "lifecycleStatus": "Active",
    "name": "Charge-offer-PSC-Template",
    "pricingType": "CHARGE_OFFERING",
    "productSpecCharacteristic": [
            "atType": "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicsOracle",
            "cardinality": "MULTIPLE",
            "name": "Type",
            "productSpecCharacteristicValue": [
                    "values": "Max"
                    "values": "Basic"
            "valueType": "ANY"
            "atType": "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicsOracle",
            "cardinality": "SINGLE",
            "name": "Effective Date",
            "valueType": "DATE"
            "atType": "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicsOracle",
            "cardinality": "MULTIPLE",
            "name": "Allowed Locations",
            "productSpecCharacteristicValue": [
                    "values": "ASIA"
                    "values": "USA"
                    "values": "Africa"
                    "values": "Pakistan"
            "valueType": "ANY"
    "@type": "ProductSpecificationOracle",
    "description": "ProductSpecDetails",
    "name": "Charge-offer-PSC-Template",
    "lastUpdate": "2023-06-05T14:10:23.696+05:30",
    "pricingType": "ALTERATION_OFFERING",
    "productSpecCharacteristic": [
            "@type": "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicOracle",
            "name": "Type",
            "valueType": "ANY",
            "productSpecCharacteristicValue": [
                    "values": "Max"
                    "values": "Basic"
            "cardinality": "MULTIPLE"
            "@type": "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicOracle",
            "name": "Effective Date",
            "valueType": "DATE",
            "productSpecCharacteristicValue": [
            "cardinality": "SINGLE"
            "@type": "ProductSpecificationCharacteristicOracle",
            "name": "Allowed Locations",
            "valueType": "ANY",
            "productSpecCharacteristicValue": [
                    "values": "ASIA"
                    "values": "USA"
                    "values": "Africa"
            "cardinality": "MULTIPLE"
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