44 About the EDR Recycling Features

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) features used to manage suspended (failed) call records (EDRs).

About the EDR Recycling Features

BRM offers these tools for managing EDRs that are not successfully rated by Pipeline Manager:

  • Standard recycling. BRM provides the standard recycling tools as the default EDR recycling mechanism. Using standard recycling, you use the pin_recycle utility to test recycle, recycle, or delete EDRs that failed processing the first time through the pipeline.

    The standard recycling tools include:

    • FCT_Reject

    • FCT_PreSuspense

    • FCT_Suspense

    • pin_recycle utility

    For details on standard recycling and configuring the standard recycling tools, see "About Standard Recycling".

  • Suspense Manager. Suspense Manager is a service integration component that you purchase separately. It offers the most comprehensive and flexible set of tools for managing:

    • Individual failed CDRs

    • Large numbers of individual failed CDRs at once (bulk processing)

    • CDR files containing multiple CDRs (batch processing)

    Suspense Manager includes the Suspense Management Center GUI application to:

    • Analyze, edit, recycle, test recycle, write off, archive, and delete CDRs, either individually or in bulk.

    • Analyze, resubmit, write off, and delete batch files of CDRs.

    Suspense Manager also includes a set of BRM reports for analyzing suspended call records. For details, see "About Suspense Manager".

  • Recycling EDRs for pipeline-only systems. This feature is used by customers that use Pipeline Manager, but do not store suspended EDRs in the BRM database. This feature includes the FCT_Recycle and FCT_PreRecycle pipeline modules that you use to recycle suspended EDRs. For details see "Recycling EDRs in Pipeline-Only Systems".