Collections REST Endpoints

The REST web service for collections agent operations.
Add a Collections Action
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/task/insert/{id}
Add a Member to a Collections Group
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/group/member/{id}
Assign a Collections Agent to a Bill Unit
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/assignagent
Cancel a Promise-to-Pay Agreement
Method: put
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/promisetopay/revoke/{id}
Create a Collections Group
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/group
Create a Promise-to-Pay Agreement for a Bill Unit
Method: put
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/promisetopay/invoke/{id}
Delete a Collections Group
Method: delete
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/group/{id}
Exempt a Bill Unit from Collections
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/exempt/{id}
Get a Collections Group by Parent Bill Unit
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/group/{id}
Get All Collections Profiles
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/profiles
Get Collections Actions
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/actions
Get Collections and Aging Buckets for an Account
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/account/{id}
Get Collections Details for an Account
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/details/{id}
Get Collections Group Details for an Account
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/group/account/{id}
Get Collections Scenarios
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/scenarios
Get Collections Users
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/users
Get Exempted Bill Units
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/exempt
Get History of a Collections Action
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/history/action/{id}
Modify an Account's Collections Action
Method: put
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/task/{id}
Remove a Bill Unit from Collections
Method: put
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/exit/{id}
Remove a Member from a Collections Group
Method: put
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/group/member/{id}
Replace the Collections Scenario for a Bill Unit
Method: put
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/scenario/replace/{id}
Unexempt a Bill Unit from Collections
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/unexempt/{id}
Update a Collections Group
Method: put
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/collections/group/{id}