Payments REST Endpoints

The REST web service for regular and suspended payment operations.
Allocate a Suspended Payment to an Account
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/suspense/allocate
Assign a Handler to Suspended Payment
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/suspense/assignhandler
Create a Payment
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments
Create a Suspended Payment
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/suspense/payment
Get Audit Trails for a Transaction
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/audit/{id}
Get Details for a Payment
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/{id}
Get Payments for a Bill
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/bill/{id}
Get Suspense Accounts
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/suspense/accounts
Get Unallocated Payments for a Bill Unit
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/billunit/{id}
Get Unallocated Payments for an Account
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/account/{id}
Get Users with Suspend Permission
Method: get
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/suspense/users
Reverse a Payment
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/reverse
Withdraw a Posted Payment into Suspense
Method: post
Path: /bcws/webresources/v1.0/payments/suspense/withdraw