Move a Balance Group



Moves a balance group to a new bill unit or to an existing bill unit.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/xml ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : newBillUnit
Type: object
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Nested Schema : ResourceRef
Type: object
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Nested Schema : balanceGroups
Type: array
The list of balance groups associated with the new bill unit.
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Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : BalanceGroups
Type: object
Balance groups associated with the package.
Show Source
Nested Schema : limits
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
The list of consumption rules that define the order in which to consume balances.
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Nested Schema : LimitType
Type: object
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  • The consumption rule. Can be one of the following:
    • 0: Not defined
    • 1: Earliest start time
    • 2: Latest start time
    • 3: Earliest expiration time
    • 4: Latest expiration time
    • 5: Earliest start time and latest expiration time
    • 6: Earliest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 7: Latest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 8: Latest start time and latest expiration time
    • 9: Earliest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Earliest expiration time and latest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and latest start time
  • The credit floor amount. The credit floor is the amount that indicates none of the balance has been used. For example, if an account is granted 200 minutes, the credit floor would be -200. For currency balances, the credit floor is usually 0.
  • The credit limit amount. A credit limit specifies the maximum amount of a balance that your customers can spend. For currency balances, the credit limit is the maximum balance of euros, dollars, or so on that can accumulate in an account. For noncurrency balances, the credit limit is the amount at which an account has used all of its minutes, gigabytes, or so on, which is usually 0.
  • The percent threshold for notifications. The account is sent a notification when this percent of the balance is used. The percentage must be a 5% increment. Use the decimal notation of the binary number for the bit position.

    For example, to notify the account when 90% of the free minutes have been used, you calculate 90/5=18, so use the 18th bit position, which is 131072 in decimal notation. To notify when 95% have been used, use the 19th bit position, which is 262144 in decimal notation.

  • The fixed threshold for notifications. The account is sent a notification when this fixed value of the balance is reached. You can set multiple values by using the | delimiter. For example, to notify the account when 30 minutes of usage remains and again when 5 minutes of usage remains, use |30.00|5.00
  • Whether to use a dynamic credit floor (true) or not (false). The default is false.
  • The resource ID.
Nested Schema : Rules
Type: object
The list of consumption rules that define the order in which to consume balances.
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  • The consumption rule. Can be one of the following:
    • 0: Not defined
    • 1: Earliest start time
    • 2: Latest start time
    • 3: Earliest expiration time
    • 4: Latest expiration time
    • 5: Earliest start time and latest expiration time
    • 6: Earliest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 7: Latest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 8: Latest start time and latest expiration time
    • 9: Earliest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Earliest expiration time and latest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and latest start time
  • The position of the entry in the array. For example, the first item in a list would have an elem value of 1.
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : newBillUnit
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceRef
Type: object
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Nested Schema : balanceGroups
Type: array
The list of balance groups associated with the new bill unit.
Show Source
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : BalanceGroups
Type: object
Balance groups associated with the package.
Show Source
Nested Schema : limits
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
The list of consumption rules that define the order in which to consume balances.
Show Source
Nested Schema : LimitType
Type: object
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  • The consumption rule. Can be one of the following:
    • 0: Not defined
    • 1: Earliest start time
    • 2: Latest start time
    • 3: Earliest expiration time
    • 4: Latest expiration time
    • 5: Earliest start time and latest expiration time
    • 6: Earliest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 7: Latest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 8: Latest start time and latest expiration time
    • 9: Earliest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Earliest expiration time and latest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and latest start time
  • The credit floor amount. The credit floor is the amount that indicates none of the balance has been used. For example, if an account is granted 200 minutes, the credit floor would be -200. For currency balances, the credit floor is usually 0.
  • The credit limit amount. A credit limit specifies the maximum amount of a balance that your customers can spend. For currency balances, the credit limit is the maximum balance of euros, dollars, or so on that can accumulate in an account. For noncurrency balances, the credit limit is the amount at which an account has used all of its minutes, gigabytes, or so on, which is usually 0.
  • The percent threshold for notifications. The account is sent a notification when this percent of the balance is used. The percentage must be a 5% increment. Use the decimal notation of the binary number for the bit position.

    For example, to notify the account when 90% of the free minutes have been used, you calculate 90/5=18, so use the 18th bit position, which is 131072 in decimal notation. To notify when 95% have been used, use the 19th bit position, which is 262144 in decimal notation.

  • The fixed threshold for notifications. The account is sent a notification when this fixed value of the balance is reached. You can set multiple values by using the | delimiter. For example, to notify the account when 30 minutes of usage remains and again when 5 minutes of usage remains, use |30.00|5.00
  • Whether to use a dynamic credit floor (true) or not (false). The default is false.
  • The resource ID.
Nested Schema : Rules
Type: object
The list of consumption rules that define the order in which to consume balances.
Show Source
  • The consumption rule. Can be one of the following:
    • 0: Not defined
    • 1: Earliest start time
    • 2: Latest start time
    • 3: Earliest expiration time
    • 4: Latest expiration time
    • 5: Earliest start time and latest expiration time
    • 6: Earliest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 7: Latest start time and earliest expiration time
    • 8: Latest start time and latest expiration time
    • 9: Earliest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Earliest expiration time and latest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and earliest start time
    • 10: Latest expiration time and latest start time
  • The position of the entry in the array. For example, the first item in a list would have an elem value of 1.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The balance group was moved successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
A bill unit.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceRef
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : balanceGroups
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : PaymentMethod
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : BalanceGroup
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : balances
Type: array
The list of balances associated with the balance group.
Show Source
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : services
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Balances
Type: object
The list of balances associated with the balance group.
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Nested Schema : subBalances
Type: array
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Nested Schema : tempCreditLimit
Type: array
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Nested Schema : SubBalances
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : TempCreditLimit
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : ServiceType
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : aliasList
Type: array
The list of aliases associated with the service.
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Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : AliasList
Type: object
The list of aliases associated with the service.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CreditCardType
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DirectDebitType
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : InvoiceType
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : SepaType
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Details
Type: object
The offer details.
Show Source
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.
Nested Schema : extension
Type: object
The extended attributes.

500 Response

An internal server error occurred.
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This example shows how to move balance groups to a different bill unit by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see "Use cURL".

cURL Command

curl -X POST 'http://hostname:port/bcws/webresources/v1.0/billunits/balancegroups/move' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d @moveBalanceGroup.json


  • hostname is the URL for the Billing Care REST server.
  • port is the port for the Billing Care REST server.
  • version is the version of the API you're using, such as v1.0.
  • moveBalanceGroup.json is the JSON file that specifies details about the balance group to move.

Example of Request Body

This example shows the contents of the moveBalanceGroup.json file sent as the request body.

    "id": "",
    "name": "Bill Unit(1)",
    "accountRef": {
        "id": ""
    "balanceGroups": [
            "id": ""

Example of Response Body

This example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format.

      "extension": null,
      "id": "",
      "name": null,
      "accountRef": null,
      "accountingCycleDom": null,
      "accountingType": null,
      "balanceGroups": [],
      "paymentInstrumentRef": null,
      "currency": 0,
      "currencySecondary": null,
      "status": null,
      "arBillUnitRef": null,
      "parentBillUnitName": null,
      "parentAccountId": null,
      "parentFirstName": null,
      "parentLastName": null,
      "parentCompanyName": null,
      "parentSalutation": null,
      "parentAccountNumber": null,
      "invoiceTemplate": null,
      "businessProfile": null,
      "wholesaleBilling": null,
      "correctiveInvoiceType": null,
      "lastModified": null,
      "creationDate": null,
      "accountingCyclesUntilBillCycleEnds": null,
      "billForCurrentCycleRef": null,
      "defaultBillUnit": null,
      "parentBillUnit": null,
      "billingFrequencyInMonths": null,
      "accountingCycleStart": null,
      "accountingCycleEnd": null,
      "lastActualBillRef": null,
      "lastActualBillDate": null,
      "lastBillFromBillingRef": null,
      "billingCycleStart": null,
      "billingCycleEnd": null,
      "segment": null,
      "daysInBillCycle": null,
      "daysRemainingInBillCycle": null,
      "exemptFromCollections": null,
      "scenarioRef": null,
      "numSuppressedCycles": null,
      "suppressed": null,
      "suppressionCyclesLeft": null,
      "collectionDate": null,
      "paymentInstrumentName": null,
      "collectionDetailsRef": null,
      "inCollections": null,
      "paymentMethod": null,
      "paymentType": null,
      "totalChildAccounts": null
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