4 Upgrading an Existing ProvGateway Deployment

In this section, you will learn to upgrade an existing ProvGateway Deployment.

Upgrading an existing deployment replaces the running containers and pods with new ones. If there is no change in the pod configuration, the pods are not replaced. Unless there is a change in the service configuration of a microservice, the service endpoints remain unchanged (ClusterIP etc.).


You should stop the provisioning traffic while upgrading the ProvGateway and then, perform the helm upgrade.
Helm Upgrade

To upgrade ProvGateway via Helm:

  • Follow the deployment instructions provided in the Installation Sequence section for extracting the required ProvGateway software components and if required re-tag and push the images to customer's repository.
  • Take a backup of the provgw-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml file and modify the parameters as per site requirement.
  • Execute the following command to upgrade an existing ProvGateway deployment. For the parameters that are configurable, see Customizing Provisioning Gateway.

    $ helm upgrade <release> <helm chart> [--version <ProvGw version>] -f <provgw-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml>

    In the above command:
    • <release> information is available in the output of 'helm list' command.
    • <chart> is the name of the chart in the form of <repository/provgw> . Example: reg-1/provgw or cne-repo/provgw
Rollback Instructions

As it is an initial release of ProvGateway, rollback feature is not applicable. However, you can use helm del on the newly created task.