Installation Preparation

The following table describes the steps to download the CNCC Images and Helm files from OSDC (Oracle Software Delivery Cloud).

Table 3-1 Installation Preparation

Step Number Procedure Description
1. Download the CNCC package file Customers are required to download the CNCC package file from OSDC. The package is named as follows:



2. Untar the CNCC package file Untar the cncc package to the specific repository:

tar -xvf cncc-pkg-<marketing-release-number>.tgz

The package file consists of the following:

  1. CNCC Docker Images File: cncc-images-<tag>.tar
  2. Helm Chart of CNCC IAM: the tar ball contains Helm Chart and templates cncc-iam-<tag>.tgz
  3. Helm File of CNCC Core: tarball contains Helm charts and templates cncc-core-<tag>.tgz
  4. Readme txt File Readme.txt

Example :

List of contents in cncc-pkg-1.1.0.tgz :


|_ _ _ _ _ _ cncc-core-1.1.0.tgz

|_ _ _ _ _ _ cncc-iam-1.1.0.tgz

|_ _ _ _ _ _ cncc-images-1.1.0.tar

|_ _ _ _ _ _ Readme.txt

3. Check the checksums Check the checksums of tarballs mentioned in Readme.txt
4. Load the tarball to system Execute the following command to push the Docker images to docker repository:
docker load --input <image_file_name.tar> 
 docker load --input cncc-images-1.1.0.tar
Sample Output:
Loaded image: cncc/apigw-configurationinit:1.1.0
Loaded image: cncc/apigw-configurationupdate:1.1.0
Loaded image: cncc/cncc-apigateway:1.1.0
Loaded image: cncc/cncc-cmservice:1.1.0
Loaded image: cncc/cncc-iam:1.1.0

5. Push docker files to Docker registry Execute the following command to push the docker files to docker registry:
docker tag <image-name>:<image-tag> <docker-repo>/<image-name>:<image-tag>
docker push <docker_repo>/<image_name>:<image-tag> 
6. Check if all the images are loaded Execute the following command to search helm chart:
docker images
7. Push helm charts to helm repository Execute the following command to push the helm charts to helm repository:

helm push --force <helm_repo> <image_name>.tgz 
8. Download the CNCC custom templates package file Download the CNCC custom templates package file:
9. Unzip the CNCC custom templates package file Unzip the cncc custom templates package:

The package file consists of the following:
CNCC IAM custom values file : custom-cncc-iam_values_<version>.yaml
CNCC Core custom values file : custom-cncc-core_values_<version>.yaml
CNCC IAM DB sql file : cnccdb_<version>.sql

   creating: cncc-custom-configtemplates-1.1.0/
  inflating: cncc-custom-configtemplates-1.1.0/custom-cncc-iam_values_1.1.0.yaml
  inflating: cncc-custom-configtemplates-1.1.0/cnccdb_1.1.0.sql
  inflating: cncc-custom-configtemplates-1.1.0/custom-cncc-core_values_1.1.0.yaml