Create a Kubernetes Secret for Storing Database Username and Password

  1. Create a yaml file with the username and password with the syntax shown below:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: ocnssf-db-creds
    type: Opaque
      mysql-username: bnNzZnVzcg==
      mysql-password: bnNzZnBhc3N3ZA==
      mysql-db-name: bnNzZmRi


    The values for mysql-username and mysql-password must be base64 encoded.
  2. Execute the following command to create the kubernetes secret:

    kubectl create -f yaml_file_name -n namespace


    yaml_file_name is a name of the yaml file that is created in step 1.

    namespace is the deployment namespace used by the helm command.

  3. Execute the following command to verify the secret creation:

    $ kubectl describe secret <database secret name> -n <Namespace of MYSQL secret>

    Example:$ kubectl describe secret ocnssf-db-creds -n ocnssf