NSSF Installation Preparation

The following procedure describes the steps to download the NSSF Images and Helm files from OSDC.

For more information about configuring docker image and registry, refer chapter OCCNE Docker Image Registry Configuration in OCCNE Installation Guide.

Table 4-3 NSSF Installation Preparation

Step Procedure Description


Download the NSSF package file

Customers are required to download the NSSF package file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud (OSDC). Package is named as follows:


Example: ocnssf-pkg-


Untar the NSSF Package File

Untar the NSSF package to the specific repository:

tar -xvf <<nfname>-pkg-<marketing-release-number>> 
The package file consists of following:
  1. NSSF Docker Images File


  2. Helm File


  3. Readme txt file

    Readme.txt (Contains cksum and md5sum of tarballs)


Check the checksums Check the checksums of tarballs mentioned in Readme.txt. Refer to the Readme.txt file for commands and checksum details.


Load the tarball to system

Execute the following command to push the Docker images to docker registry:

docker load --input ocnssf-images-1.3.0.tar


Check if all the images are loaded

Execute the following command to check:

docker images

Refer table NSSF Images in section NSSF Installation Sequence for the list of images.


Push docker images to docker registry

Execute the following commands to push the docker images to docker registry:

docker tag <image-name>:<image-tag> <docker-repo>/<image-name>:<image-tag>

docker push <docker-repo>/<image-name>:<image-tag>


Untar Helm Files

Untar the helm files:

tar -xvzf ocnssf-1.3.0.tgz


Download the Native Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF) Custom Template ZIP file

Download the Native Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF) Custom Template ZIP file from OHC:

  • Go to the URL, docs.oracle.com
  • Navigate to Industries >Communications >Signaling & Policy >Cloud Native Core
  • Click the Native Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF) Custom Template link to download the zip file.
  • Unzip the template to get the following files:
    • ocnssf-custom-values-1.3.0.yaml
    • onssfDashboard.json