NSSF Prerequisites

This section includes information about the necessary prerequisites for NSSF deployment.

Following are the prerequisites to install and configure NSSF:

NSSF Software

The NSSF software includes:

  • NSSF Helm charts
  • NSSF docker images

The following software must be installed:

Software Version
Kubernetes v1.12.5
HELM v2.11.0

Additional software that needs to be deployed as per the requirement of the services:

Software Chart Version
elasticsearch 1.21.1
elastic-curator 1.2.1
elastic-exporter 1.1.2
logs 2.0.7
kibana 1.5.2
grafana 2.2.0
prometheus 8.8.0
prometheus-node-exporter 1.4.0
metallb 0.8.4
metrics-server 2.4.0
jaeger 0.13.3


If any of the software specified in the above table is not installed in CNE, install the software.

If OCCNE is the platform, then refer Cloud Native Environment Installation Guide.

Network Access

The Kubernetes cluster host must have network access to:

  • Local docker image repository where the NSSF images are available.
  • Local helm repository where the NSSF helm charts are available.


All the kubectl and helm related commands that are used in this document must be executed on a system depending on the infrastructure or the deployment. It could be a client machine.

Machine Client Requirements

Following are the requirements for the client machine where the deployment commands need to be executed:
  • It must have network access to the helm repository and docker image repository.
  • Helm repository must be configured on the client.
  • It must have network access to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • It must have necessary environment settings to run the kubectl commands. The environment must have privileges to create namespace in the Kubernetes cluster.
  • It must have helm client installed. The environment must be configured so that the helm install command deploys the software in the Kubernetes cluster.