5 UDM Configuration Parameters

NUDM-SDM-Service Micro Service

The UDM micro services have configuration options. The user should be able to configure them via deployment values.yaml


The default value depends on the UDM service. Some of settings default value may change.

NAME: is the release name used in helm install command

NAMESPACE: is the namespace used in helm install command

K8S_DOMAIN: is the default kubernetes domain (svc.cluster.local)

Default Helm Release Name:- ocudm

Following tables provide a list of configuration parameters in the Helm file.

These configuration parameters are common to all micro services.

Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes
config.udr.ip UDR service to connect if not discoverable through NRF ocudr-endpoint.myudr Not applicable This is a fallback option for UDR connectivity
config.udr.port Port to connect to UDR service above 80 Valid Port
config.nrfClient.fqdn NRF Client service fqdn of UDM ocudm-nudm-nrf-client-service Not applicable
config.nrfClient.port NRF Client service port of UDM 5001 Valid Port
config.httpRetryCount Retry count for any http requests towards any client in UDM microservices 2 [1 - 4]
config.udmFqdn FQDN of OCUDM ocudm-endpoint.myudm.svc.cluster.local Not applicable
mysql.primary.host NDB cluster sql primary node IP udm-db Valid SQL node IP
mysql.secondary.host NDB cluster sql secondary node IP udm-db Valid SQL node IP
mysql.database DB name to be used udmdb Not applicable
mysql.port Port used for establishing connections 3306 Not applicable
mysql.username Username for mysql login changeme Not applicable
mysql.password Password for mysql login changeme Not applicable
Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes


Full Image Path


Not applicable


Tag of Image


Not applicable


This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not


Possible Values -





Log Level


Possible Values -




Log level of the nudm-uecm-service pod


Replicas of nudm-uecm-service pod


Not applicable

Number of nudm-uecm-service pods to be maintained by replica set created with deployment


Minimum Replicas


Not applicable

Minimum number of pods


Maximum Replicas


Not applicable

Maximum number of pods


Enabled HTTP2 support flag for rest server



Enable/Disable HTTP2 support for rest server


nudm-uecm-service service type


Possbile Values-




The kubernetes service type for exposing nudm-uecm-service deployment

Note: Suggested to be set as ClusterIP (default value) always


HTTP port


Valid Port

The http port to be used in nudm-uecm-service


HTTPS port


Valid Port

The https port to be used for nudm-uecm-service


Management port


Valid Port

The actuator management port to be used for nudm-uecm-service


Cpu Allotment for nudm-uecm-service pod


Not applicable

The cpu to be allocated for nudm-uecm-service pod during deployment


CPU utilization limit for autoscaling


Not Applicable

CPU utilization limit for creating HPA

Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes
image.repository Full Image Path ocudm/nudm_ue_auth_service Not applicable
image.tag Tag of Image 1.1.0 Not applicable
image.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not Always Possible Values - Always IfNotPresent Never
logging.level.root Log Level WARN Possible Values - WARN INFO DEBUG Log level of nudm-ue-auth-service pod
deployment.replicaCount Replicas of nudm-ue-auth-service pod 2 Not applicable Number of nudm-ue-auth-service pods to be maintained by replica set created with deployment
minReplicas Minimum Replicas 1 Not applicable Minimum number of pods
maxReplicas Maximum Replicas 4 Not applicable Maximum number of pods
service.http2enabled Enabled HTTP2 support flag true true/false Enable/Disable HTTP2 support for rest server
service.type nudm-ue-auth-service service type ClusterIP Possbile Values- ClusterIP NodePort LoadBalancer
The kubernetes service type for exposing nudm-ue-auth-service deployment


Suggested to be set as ClusterIP (default value) always
service.port.http HTTP port 5001 Valid Port The http port to be used for nudm-ue-auth-service
service.port.https HTTPS port 5002 Valid Port The https port to be used for nudm-ue-auth-service.
service.port.management Management port 9000 Valid Port The actuator management port to be used for nudm-ue-auth-service
resources.request.cpu Cpu Allotment for nudm-ue-auth-service pod 3 Not applicable The cpu to be allocated for nudm-ue-auth-service pod during deployment
resources.target.averageCpuUtil CPU utilization limit for autoscaling 80 Not Applicable CPU utilization limit for creating HPA
config.udmAuthService.op Operator Variant Algorithm Configuration Field on UDM. cdc202d5123e20f62b6d676ac72cb318 Hex values

Length: 32 hex digits

Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes
deployment.replicaCount Replicas of nudm-sdm-service pod 2 Not applicable Number of nudm-sdm-service pods to be maintained by replica set created with deployment
homeplmnid Home PLMN id configured on UDM 12345 Not Applicable
image.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image needs to be pulled or not Always Possible Values - Always IfNotPresent Never
image.repository Full Image Path ocudm/nudm_sdm_service Not applicable
image.tag Tag of Image 1.1.0 Not applicable
logging.level.root Log Level WARN Possible Values - WARN INFO DEBUG Log level of the nudm-sdm-service pod
maxReplicas Maximum Replicas 4 Not applicable Maximum number of pods
minReplicas Minimum Replicas 1 Not applicable Minimum number of pods
resources.request.cpu Cpu allotment for nudm-sdm-service pod 3 Not applicable The cpu to be allocated for nudm-sdm-service pod during deployment
resources.target.averageCpuUtil CPU utilization limit for autoscaling 80 Not Applicable CPU utilization limit for creating HPA
service.http2enabled Enabled HTTP2 support flag for rest server true true/false Enable/Disable HTTP2 support for rest server
service.port.http HTTP port 5001 Valid Port The http port to be used in nudm-sdm-service
service.port.https HTTPS port 5002 Valid Port The https port to be used for nudm-sdm-service
service.port.management Management port 9000 Valid Port The actuator management port to be used for nudm-sdm-service
service.type nudm-sdm-service service type ClusterIP Possbile Values- ClusterIP NodePort LoadBalancer
The kubernetes service type for exposing nudm-sdm-service deployment


Suggested to be set as ClusterIP (default value) always
sdmFqdn SDM FQDN to be used in Location headers in responses sent by SDM service ocudm-endpoint.myudm Not Applicable
pendingRetries Number of retries to be done for subscription failure towards UDR 5 Range: 1 - 10
subscriptionRetryInterval Frequency in which the subscription retries should be performed towards UDR. 5

Range: 1 - 60

Unit: Seconds

sdmNotifyFqdn This will be used as api root in callbackreference uri in SubscriptionDataSubscription body. ocudm-endpoint.myudm Not Applicable
Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes
image.repository Full Image Path ocudm/nudm_sdm_notify_service Not applicable
image.tag Tag of Image 1.1.0 Not applicable
image.pullPolicy This setting tells if image need to be pulled or not Always Possible Values - Always IfNotPresent Never
logging.level.root Log Level WARN Possible Values - WARN INFO DEBUG Log level of the nudm-sdm-notify-service pod

Replicas of nudm-sdm-notify-service pod

2 Not applicable

Number of nudm-sdm-notify-service pods to be maintained by replica set created with deployment

minReplicas Minimum Replicas 1 Not applicable Minimum number of pods
maxReplicas Maximum Replicas 4 Not applicable Maximum number of pods
service.http2enabled Enabled HTTP2 support flag for rest server true true/false Enable/Disable HTTP2 support for rest server
service.type nudm-sdm-service service type ClusterIP Possbile Values- ClusterIP NodePort LoadBalancer

The kubernetes service type for exposing nudm-sdm-notify-service deployment


Suggested to be set as ClusterIP (default value) always
service.port.http HTTP port 5001 Valid Port

The http port to be used in nudm-sdm-notify-service

service.port.https HTTPS port 5002 Valid Port

The https port to be used for nudm-sdm-notify-service

service.port.management Management port 9000 Valid Port

The actuator management port to be used for nudm-sdm-notify-service


Cpu Allotment for nudm-sdm-notify-service pod

3 Not applicable

The cpu to allocated for nudm-sdm-notify-service pod during deployment

resources.target.averageCpuUtil CPU utilization limit for autoscaling 80 Not Applicable CPU utilization limit for creating HPA
notifyRetryCount Number of retries to be done for notification failure towards AMF 1 Range: 1 - 10

Frequency in which the notification retries should be performed towards AMF.


Range: 1 - 60

Unit: Seconds

Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes
image.repository Full Image Path ocudm Not applicable
image.name Full name nudm_ausf_ueauth_service Not applicable
image.tag Tag of Image 1.1.0 Not applicable
image.pullPolicy This setting tells if image need to be pulled or not Always Possible Values - Always IfNotPresent Never
loglevel Log Level WARN Possible Values - WARN INFO DEBUG Log level of the ausfueauthenticator pod

Replicas of ausfueauthenticator pod

2 Not applicable

Number of ausfueauthenticator pods to be maintained by replica set created with deployment

minReplicas Minimum Replicas 1 Not applicable Minimum number of pods
maxReplicas Maximum Replicas 4 Not applicable Maximum number of pods
service.http2enabled Enabled HTTP2 support flag for rest server true true/false Enable/Disable HTTP2 support for rest server
service.type ausfueauthenticator service type ClusterIP

Possbile Values-




The kubernetes service type for exposing ausfueauthenticator deployment


Suggested to be set as ClusterIP (default value) always
service.port.http HTTP port 5001 Valid Port

The http port to be used in ausfueauthenticator service

service.port.https HTTPS port 5002 Valid Port

The https port to be used for ausfueauthenticator service

service.port.management Management port 9000 Valid Port

The actuator management port to be used for ausfueauthenticator service


Cpu Allotment for ausfueauthenticator pod

3 Not applicable

The cpu to allocated for ausfueauthenticator pod during deployment

resources.target.averageCpuUtil CPU utilization limit for autoscaling 80 Not Applicable CPU utilization limit for creating HPA
servingNetworkNameList List of serving network names by the AUSF node

5G: mnc100.mcc101.3gppnetwork.org ,5G: mnc101.mcc102.3gppnetwork.org

Not Applicable
configuredUdm Enable usage of the configured UDM in values true true/false
UdmHost The configured UDM host fqdn ocudm-nudm-ue-auth-service Not Applicable
UdmPort Port to connect to the UDM pod 5001 Valid Port
auditDuration 3600000
expiryDuration 300000
unexpectedAuthTypeNotify true true/false
nrfHost The NRF client service host details running as part of this UDM AUSF helm deployment ocudm-nudm-nrf-client-service Not Applicable
nrfPort The port to be used to connect to NRF client service 5001

Valid Port

Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes
host.registrationbaseurl NRF url for registration http://ocnrf-endpoint.mynrf.svc.cluster.local/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances Not applicable
host.subscriptionbaseurl NRF url for registration http://ocnrf-endpoint.mynrf.svc.cluster.local/nnrf-nfm/v1/subscriptions
host.discoverybaseurl NRF url for registration http://ocnrf-endpoint.mynrf.svc.cluster.local/nnrf-disc/v1/nf-instances
host.notifybaseurl NRF url for registration http://ocudm-nudm-nrf-client-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local:5001/nnrf-client/v1/notify
host.notificationbaseurl NRF url for registration http://ocudm-nudm-nrf-client-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local/nnrf-client/v1/notify
host.proxy.ssl SSL flag false true/false SSL flag to enable SSL with udr nrf client pod
logging.level.root Log Level WARN Possible Values - WARN INFO DEBUG Log level of the UDM nrf client pod
image.repository Full Image Path ocudm/nrf_client_service Not applicable
image.tag Tag of Image 1.1.0 Not applicable
image.pullPolicy This setting tells if image need to be pulled or not Always Possible Values - Always IfNotPresent Never
heartBeatTimer Heart beat timer 90 Unit: Seconds
udmgroupId Group ID of UDM udm-1 Not applicable
ausfgroupId Group ID of AUSF ausf-1
capacityMultiplier Capacity of UDM 500 Not applicable Capacity multiplier of UDM based on number of UDM pods running
supirange Supi Range supported with UDM [{\"start\": \"10000000000\", \"end\": \"20000000000\"}] Valid ue range
gpsiRanges gpsi Range supported with UDM [{\"start\": \"10000000000\", \"end\": \"20000000000\"}] Valid ue range

External group identifier range supported with UDM

[{\"start\": \"10000000000\", \"end\": \"20000000000\"}] Valid ue range
priority Priority to be sent in registration request 10 Not applicable
routingIndicators Routing Indicators send in NRF registration request [\"00\"] Not applicable
udmAllowedNfs UDM allowed NF type to be sent in NRF registration request AMF,CUSTOM_ORACLE_SCP,SMF,AUSF Any valid NF name as per spec

AUSF allowed NF type to be sent in NRF registration request

AMF,CUSTOM_ORACLE_SCP Any valid NF name as per spec
plmnList PLMN list used during registration [{\"mnc\": \"14\", \"mcc\": \"310\"}] Valid MCC and MNC values
masterIp NF service ipv4 address to be used during UDM/AUSF registration Valid IP address
authFqdn FQDN for auth service to be registered with NRF ocudm-ausfueauthenticator.myudm.svc.cluster.local Not Applicable
sdmFqdn FQDN for sdm service to be registered with NRF ocudm-nudm-sdm-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local Not Applicable
sdmNotifyFqdn FQDN for sdm notify service to be registered with NRF ocudm-nudm-sdm-notify-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local Not Applicable
uecmFqdn FQDN for uecm service to be registered with NRF ocudm-nudm-uecm-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local Not Applicable
ueauFqdn FQDN for ueau service to be registered with NRF ocudm-nudm-ue-auth-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local Not Applicable
locality Operator defined information about the location of the NF instance (e.g. geographic location, data center) West0 Not Applicable
endpointLabelSelector Label selector used for ocudm endpoint ocudm-endpoint Not Applicable
livenessProbeUrludm URL used by nrf-client-service to check liveness probe of other udm microservice pods. This includes apigateway and excludes AUSF pod http://ocudm-nudm-uecm-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local:9000/actuator/health,http://ocudm-nudm-ue-auth-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local:9000/actuator/health,http://ocudm-nudm-sdm-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local:9000/actuator/health,http://ocudm-nudm-sdm-notify-service.myudm.svc.cluster.local:9000/actuator/health Not Applicable Be cautious in updating this value. Should consider namespace used for udm deployment and name resolution setting in k8s
livenessProbeUrlausf URL used by nrf-client-service to check liveness probe of other ausf microservice pod along with apigateway. http://ocudm-ausfueauthenticator.myudm.svc.cluster.local:9000/actuator/health Not Applicable Be cautious in updating this value. Should consider namespace used for udm deployment and name resolution setting in k8s.
fqdn UDM FQDN ocudm-endpoint.myudm.svc.cluster.local Not Applicable
FQDN to used for registering in NRF for other NFs to connect to UDM.


Be cautious in updating this value. Should consider namespace used for udm deployment and name resolution setting in k8s.
Parameter Description Default Value Range or Possible Values (if applicable) Notes
fullnameOverride Name to be used for deployment ocudm-endpoint Not applicable
global.type ocudm-endpoint service type LoadBalancer

Possbile Values-




global. dockerRegistry

Docker registry to pull image

docker-registry.udr.us.oracle.com :5000/ocudm

Not applicable

global. staticNodePortEnabled

assign static pre-defined port to api-gateway service false true/false

global. staticHttpNodePort

static http node port value 30075 30000-32767

global. staticHttpsNodePort

static https node port value 30043 30000-32767

global. service.metalLbIpAllocationEnabled

Enable or disable Address Pool for Metallb true true/false
global.metalLbIpAllocationAnnotation Address Pool for Metallb



: signaling"

Not applicable
image.name Docker image name ocingress_gateway Not applicable
image.tag Image version tag 1.5.0 Not applicable
image.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not Always Possible Values - Always IfNotPresent Never
resources.requests.cpu Cpu request for ocudm-endpoint pod 3 Not applicable
resources.requests.memory Memory request for ocudm-endpoint pod 2G Not applicable
resources.limits.cpu Cpu limit for ocudm-endpoint pod 4 Not applicable
resources.limits.memory Memory limit for ocudm-endpoint pod 2G Not applicable
resources.target.averageCpuUtil CPU utilization limit for auto scaling 80 Not applicable
log.level Logging level INFO INFO/DEBUG/WARN
initssl Initialize SSL framework false Not Applicable
oauthValidatorEnabled OAUTH Configuration false Not Applicable
enableIncomingHttp enable/disable incoming HTTP packets true true/false
enableIncomingHttps enable/disable incoming HTTPS packets false true/false
enableOutgoingHttps enable/disable outgoing HTTPS packets false true/false
maxConnectionsQueuedPerDestination Queue Size of api-gateway 5000 Not Applicable
maxConnectionsPerIp Connections from api-gateway to other microServices 10 Not Applicable
routesConfig Routes configured to connect to different micro services of UDM - id: uecm_mapping_http uri: http://{{ .Release.Name }}-nudm-uecm-service:5001 path: /nudm-uecm/** - id: ue_auth_mapping_http uri: http://{{ .Release.Name }}-nudm-ue-auth-service:5001 path: /nudm-ueau/** - id: sdm_mapping_http uri: http://{{ .Release.Name }}-nudm-sdm-service

:5001 path: /nudm-sdm/** - id: sdm_notify_mapping_http uri: http://{{ .Release.Name }}-nudm-sdm-notify-service:5001 path: /nudm-sdm-notify/** - id: ausf_mapping_http uri: http://{{ .Release.Name }}-ausfueauthenticator:5001 path: /nausf-auth/**

Not Applicable