Installation Preparation

This phase of installation includes downloading and loading the required files to the system.

  1. Download the UDR package file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud (OSDC). Execute the following command to download UDR package.


    For example:ocudr-pkg-

  2. Untar the UDR Package File. Execute the following command to untar UDR Package File.

    tar -xvf ocudr-pkg-

    This command results into ocudr-pkg- directory. The directory consists of following:

    • UDR Docker Images File: ocudr-images-1.6.0.tar
    • Helm File: ocudr-1.6.0.tgz
    • Readme txt File: The Readme.txt contains cksum and md5sum of tarballs.
  3. Verify the checksums of tarballs. Execute the following command:


  4. Load the tarballs to docker images. Execute the following command:

    # docker load --input /root/ocudr-images-1.6.0.tar

  5. Check if all the images are loaded. Execute the following command:

    docker images | grep ocudr

  6. Tag the docker images to docker registry. Execute the following command:

    docker tag <image-name>:<image-tag> <docker-repo>/<image-name>:<image-tag>

  7. Push the docker images to docker registry. Execute the following command:

    docker push <docker-repo>/<image-name>:<image-tag>

    Sample Tag and Push Commands:

    # docker tag ocudr/nudr_datarepository_service:1.6.0 <customer repo>/nudr_datarepository_service:1.6.0
    # docker push <customer repo>/nudr_datarepository_service:1.6.0
    # docker tag ocudr/nudr_nrf_client_service:1.6.0 <customer repo>/nudr_nrf_client_service:1.6.0
    # docker push <customer repo>/nudr_nrf_client_service:1.6.0
    # docker tag ocudr/nudr_notify_service:1.6.0 <customer repo>/nudr_notify_service:1.6.0
    # docker push <customer repo>/nudr_notify_service:1.6.0
    # docker tag ocudr/ocingress_gateway:1.6.2 <customer repo>/ocingress_gateway:1.6.2
    # docker push <customer repo>/ocingress_gateway:1.6.2
    # docker tag ocudr/configurationinit:1.1.1 <customer repo>/configurationinit:1.1.1
    # docker push <customer repo>/configurationinit:1.1.1
    # docker tag ocudr/configurationupdate:1.1.1 <customer repo>/configurationupdate:1.1.1
    # docker push <customer repo>/configurationupdate:1.1.1
  8. Untar Helm Files. Execute the following command:

    tar -xvzf ocudr-1.6.0.tgz

  9. Download the Unified Data Repository (UDR) Custom Template ZIP file from OHC. The steps are as follows:
    1. Go to the URL,
    2. Navigate to Industries->Communications->Cloud Native Core.
    3. Click the Unified Data Repository (UDR) Custom Template link to download the zip file.
    4. Unzip the template to get ocudr-custom-configTemplates- file that contains the following:
      • UDR_Dashboard.json: This file is used by grafana.
      • ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml: This file is used during installation.
      • ProvGw_Dashboard.json
      • prov-gw5g-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml
Following are the OCUDR Images.

Table 2-1 OCUDR Images

Pod Image
<helm_release_name>-nudr-drservice ocudr/nudr_datarepository_service
<helm_release_name>-nudr-notify -service ocudr/nudr_notify_service
<helm_release_name>-nudr-nrf-client-service ocudr/nudr_nrf_client_service





<helm_release_name>-nudr-notify-service is not required for SLF deployment. So, set its flag value as 'enabled - false' in the values.yaml file. For more details, see User Configurable Parameter.ocudr-custom-values.yaml File Configuration