Kubernetes Secret Creation - DBName, Username, Password and Encryption Key

In this section, you will learn to create a secret to store database name, username, password, and encryption key.

To create a Kubernetes secret:
  1. Create a yaml file with dbname, dbusername, dbpassword, encryptionKey using the syntax given below:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: ocudr-secrets
    type: Opaque
      dbname: dWRyZGI=
      dsusername: dWRydXNlcg==
      dspassword: dWRycGFzc3dk
      encryptionkey: TXkgc2VjcmV0IHBhc3NwaHJhc2U=

    The values of dbname, dsusername, dspassword, encryptionKey are base64 encoded. These are created by executing the following commands:

    echo -n "<db name>" | base64

    echo -n "<db username>" | base64

    echo -n "<db password>" | base64

    echo -n "<encryptionKey string>" | base64


    You will create a secret using this yaml file.
  2. Execute the following command to create a namespace where deployment is done.

    kubectl create namespace <namespace>


    To create a secret, you need a namespace where deployment is done.
  3. Execute the following command to create a secret:

    kubectl create -f <secret File Name> -n <namespace>

  4. Execute the following command to verify a secret creation:

    kubectl describe secret <secret name> -n <namespace>